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Re: DROP_Partitions with Hierarchical partitioning takes forever
It's a hierarchical partitioning scheme. If you drop a recent partition, you can have a from_key equal to a to_key, and just that partition will be dropped.
If you drop older partitions, where you have a whole year in one partition, the from_key needs to be the first day, the to_key needs to be the last day of the year. Otherwise, a new partition is created, with everything except the stuff between from_key and to_key will be written into, before the partition is dropped. And that part - creating and filling a partition , takes forever. this is also why the last parameter of DROP_PARTITIONS()
is an optional Boolean where you can state if you really want to do that ....
Re: capturing drop_partitions status
Please try the following:
-- Create simple partitioned table CREATE TABLE t (c INT NOT NULL) PARTITION BY (c); -- Insert initial data INSERT INTO t SELECT 201907; -- Merge partitions SELECT do_tm_task('mergeout', 't'); -- View initial partition SELECT partition_key FROM partitions WHERE projection_name = 't_super' ORDER BY partition_key; -- Update to create new partition UPDATE t SET c = 202007; -- Merge updated partitions SELECT do_tm_task('mergeout', 't'); -- View both partitions SELECT partition_key FROM partitions WHERE projection_name = 't_super' ORDER BY partition_key; \echo 'Create stored procedure for dropping partitions' CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE deletePartition(partition_to_drop INT) LANGUAGE PLvSQL AS $$ DECLARE drop_result VARCHAR(1000); BEGIN SELECT /*+label(drop_partitions_query)*/ DROP_Partitions( 'public.t', partition_to_drop, partition_to_drop ) INTO drop_result; RAISE NOTICE 'DROP_Partitions result: %', drop_result; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Error in deletePartition: %', SQLERRM; END; $$; \echo 'Test case 1: Should succeed - dropping old partition' CALL deletePartition(201907); \echo 'View partitions after successful drop' SELECT partition_key FROM partitions WHERE projection_name = 't_super' ORDER BY partition_key; \echo 'Test case 2: Should fail - attempting to drop non-existent partition' CALL deletePartition(201908);
Run time output:
partition_key --------------- 201907 202007 (2 rows) Create stored procedure for dropping partitions CREATE PROCEDURE Test case 1: Should succeed - dropping old partition vsql:test3.sql:52: NOTICE 2005: DROP_Partitions result: Partition dropped deletePartition ----------------- 0 (1 row) View partitions after successful drop partition_key --------------- 202007 (1 row) Test case 2: Should fail - attempting to drop non-existent partition vsql:test3.sql:61: NOTICE 2005: DROP_Partitions result: Partition does not exist deletePartition ----------------- 0 (1 row)
Re: Help to understand the slow running qury
Query 1 and Query 2 are not joining on the same column:
Q1 where
a.netif_unique_id = c.netif_unique_id
and a.netif_unique_id in ('d946b79e-7d9a-4575-91c3-893172f32a5b' )
Q2 where
a.node_unique_id = c.node_unique_id
and a.netif_unique_id in ('d946b79e-7d9a-4575-91c3-893172f32a5b' )
Re: How to find not up-to-date projection
I missed column is_up_to_date in projection systems table.
Re: Change default precision and scale for NUMERIC fields
@scherepanov we are supporting TIME with PARQUET starting 24.3 and it is backported to all versions till 23.4
Re: How to find object dependencies
Do you have any user created projections on that table? if so, could you please try dropping those projections first?
Re: Migrate_enterprise_to_eon is making unauthorised call to internet is in AWS a direct link to the EC2 instances metadata. is an RFC 1918 network.
Re: Why it is not allowed to change owner of temp table
this issue is being fixed in major version(24.4). do you need backport for it?
Re: Different formatting of array column in vsql and JDBC
This behavior is not necessarily related to the Vertica JDBC client, as DBeaver, using the same JDBC client, displays arrays in square brackets [], while DbVisualizer uses curly brackets {} for array formatting.
Re: Vertica blog is gone
The requested post is attached.
Configure JDBC clients to Work with Your Kerberos-Enabled Vertica Cluster: DbVisualizer, DBeaver, and Others
Posted August 1, 2017 by Sarah Lemaire