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Expanding the EON cluster through MC gets hung on the "Adding Instance" stage. — Vertica Forum

Expanding the EON cluster through MC gets hung on the "Adding Instance" stage.

Also pressing the close button doesnot cancel the process..


  • edited November 2017

    Hi Kannan,
    This is Michael from Vertica MC team. I'll help to figure out what is behind this. We did quite a lot of tests try to replicate this issue here. Could you send me your MC log file to help us diagnosis this problem? The MC log is located on MC instance under /opt/vconsole/log/mc/mconsole.log. Please send the log to yixin.hua@microfocus.com

    To access the instance, just follow the MC ssh access info on the CFT stack output section.


  • Hi Micheal,

    I have emailed the log file to Yixin .

  • Hi Kannan,
    Sorry for the delay. We did replicate the issue in our dev environment. So the easiest workaround is:
    1) Remove the cluster by clicking on the Cluster Icon on the Manage Infrastructure view.
    2) Import the cluster and database in with the AWS private IP address and Vertica API key.
    Once you finish these step, you should have a full function Cluster Management view back. And you can add new instance onto the existing cluster and database.

    The Failure is caused by the AWS credential used in the add instance operation doesn't have the right permission. We'll fix this type of permission error handling in the next service pack release.

    Also, I'll recommended you test out the Vertica Management Console with Provisioning CFT using the IAM instance Profile option. It has a much better user experience and should have all permission taken care already. Also, we enforce ONLY the MC admin user has the privilege to provision and manage all AWS resources. You can create multiple MC admin users in MC for none AWS users to experience the new feature without creating AWS accounts.

  • Hi Kannan,
    Did Michael's recommendation unblock you?

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