adding a node fails

I have tried this multiple times on multiple clusters. Same error.

06 Nov 2017 23:19:59,221 [Thread-11160] CloudManagementThread ERROR - Cannot get updated new host information for 172.31.xx.xx
06 Nov 2017 23:19:59,230 [Thread-11160] CloudManagementThread INFO - Add Instances Success...

The host is created and provisioned, but the node is not added to the DB.
Any hints?


  • skeswaniskeswani - Select Field - Employee

    colin, i think i will get on a call/screen share with you to debug this.
    Does anytime tomorrow 11/7 work for you?

  • Certainly, let's coordinate via David .

  • Colin, that looks like a public IP - did you delete or reassign any of the Elastic IPs?

  • The step that fails is adding the host to the DB, not sure why ( maybe the incorrect region) via the MConsole, but via admintools the new host can be added to the DB. Adding 3 hosts is somewhat tedious and time consuming given the single node add and the extra steps , but it works.
    I would prefer now to have 6 shards instead of 3 so that i can better parallelize my workload, but that is a new feature request.

  • skeswaniskeswani - Select Field - Employee

    in admintools you can select multiple nodes and add them in one shot. there is also a command line to add nodes in one go.

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