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Can't create eon db — Vertica Forum

Can't create eon db


I'm trying to create eon db on our cluster using admintools
It success creating the DB but I see it fails for installing the AWS package.
when I'm trying to install AWS package I receive the error:

"Could not stat file [s3://poc_eon/metadata/poc_eon/nodes/v_poc_eon_node0001/UDxLogs]: Unable to parse ExceptionName: PermanentRedirect Message:
The bucket you are attempting to access must be addressed using the specified endpoint. Please send all future requests to this endpoint.")

Please advise.

Emanuel Frish


  • skeswaniskeswani - Select Field - Employee
    edited December 2017

    is your bucket in the same AWS region as your cluster?

  • yes.
    and I was able copy test file form the Vertica EC2 to this bucket

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