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Renaming a View — Vertica Forum

Renaming a View

You are probably aware that you can rename a table using the ALTER TABLE … RENAME command.


dbadmin=> \dt test
              List of tables
Schema | Name | Kind  |  Owner  | Comment
public | test | table | dbadmin |
(1 row)

dbadmin=> ALTER TABLE test RENAME TO test_new;

But you might not know that you can just as easily rename a database view using a very similar command!


dbadmin=> \dv test_view;
            List of View Fields
Schema |   View    | Column | Type | Size
public | test_view | c1     | int  |    8
(1 row)

dbadmin=> ALTER VIEW test_view RENAME TO test_view_new;

Have fun!


  • can we rename database?

  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

    Not easily! That is, there is not a simple SQL DDL command to rename a database...

    dbadmin=> SELECT database_name FROM databases;
    (1 row)
    dbadmin=> ALTER DATABASE test_db RENAME TO test_db_new;
    ERROR 2676:  Command ALTER DATABASE is not supported

    But there is a way to rename a database. You'll need to open a support ticket for that. Most of the time it's just easier to create a new database and re-load it.

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