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Improving the performance of rebalancing — Vertica Forum

Improving the performance of rebalancing

This tip was authored by Jim Knicely.

Before performing a rebalance, Vertica by default will query system tables to compute the size of all projections involved in the rebalance task. This query can add significant overhead to the rebalance operation!

To disable this query, set the configuration parameter RebalanceQueryStorageContainers to 0.


dbadmin=> SELECT DISTINCT parameter_name, current_value, default_value, description
dbadmin->   FROM vs_configuration_parameters
dbadmin->  WHERE parameter_name = 'RebalanceQueryStorageContainers';
         parameter_name          | current_value | default_value |              description
RebalanceQueryStorageContainers | 1             | 1             | Check storage containers for rebalance
(1 row)

dbadmin=> ALTER DATABASE wwt SET RebalanceQueryStorageContainers = 0;

dbadmin=> SELECT DISTINCT parameter_name, current_value, default_value, description
dbadmin->   FROM vs_configuration_parameters
dbadmin->  WHERE parameter_name = 'RebalanceQueryStorageContainers';
         parameter_name          | current_value | default_value |              description
RebalanceQueryStorageContainers | 0             | 1             | Check storage containers for rebalance
(1 row)

Have Fun!


  • sreeblrsreeblr - Select Field - Employee

    any tradeoff with this settings or recommended ?

  • RaviRavi Vertica Employee Employee

    any tradeoff with this settings or recommended ?

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