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Remove Duplicate Values from a String — Vertica Forum

Remove Duplicate Values from a String

Jim Knicely authored this tip.

Do you ever wonder how to get rid of those pesky duplicate values from a string? One way of doing that is via Vertica's REGEXP_REPLACE function.


dbadmin=> SELECT c1, REGEXP_REPLACE(c1, '(?<=\, |^)(.+?)\, (?=(.+\, )?\1(\, |$))', '') FROM test;
           c1           | regexp_replace
 A, B, B, A             | B, A
 A, B, C, A, T          | B, C, A, T
 A, B                   | A, B
 D, A, B, C, C, D, D    | A, B, C, D
 Z, X, Z, X, A, A, A, Q | Z, X, A, Q
 *, *, *, *, *          | *
(6 rows)

Have Fun!


  • Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
    edited June 2018

    Here is an update REGEX for removing duplicate values from a string:

    dbadmin=> select c1, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(c1, '\s*([^|]*?)\s*'), '(?<=\,|^)(.+?)\,(?=(.+\,)?\1(\,|$))') from test;
                                                          c1                                                      |                       regexp_replace
    A, B                                                                                                         | A,B
    D, A, B, C, C, D, D                                                                                          | A,B,C,D
    Z, X, Z, X, A, A, A, Q                                                                                       | Z,X,A,Q
    A, B, B, A                                                                                                   | B,A
    65281,65283,65288,65296,65312,65320,65328,65352,65360,65368, 65281,65283,65288,65296,65320,65352,65360,65368 | 65312,65328,65281,65283,65288,65296,65320,65352,65360,65368
    A, B, C, A, T                                                                                                | B,C,A,T
          65283,     65283, 65320,65320                                                                          | 65283,65320
    (7 rows)

    It handles spaces following the commas!

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