Getting your Node Hardware Specs:

Jim Knicely wrote this tip.

At some point in the future, you might not remember the number of CPU sockets/processor cores and the amount of memory on each node of your Vertica cluster. Instead of having to issue several Linux commands on each node, Vertica provides the V_CATALOG.HOST_RESOURCES system table, which provides a snapshot of the nodes in your Vertica cluster! This table is useful for regularly polling the node with automated tools or scripts.


dbadmin=> SELECT host_name, processor_count, processor_core_count, processor_description, ROUND(total_memory_bytes / 1024^3, 2) total_memory_gbytes FROM V_MONITOR.HOST_RESOURCES;
   host_name   | processor_count | processor_core_count |          processor_description           | total_memory_gbytes
---------------+-----------------+----------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------- |               1 |                    1 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz |                2.78 |               1 |                    1 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz |                2.78 |               1 |                    2 | Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4300U CPU @ 1.90GHz |                2.78
(3 rows)

Have Fun!

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