
Getting Help with Command-Line Tools

Jim Knicely authored this post.

Vertica comes with some nifty command-line tools like vsql, admintools, and vbr. If you need assistance using any of these, you can run them with the –-help parameter to view the options available for each tool.


[dbadmin@s18384357 ~]$ /opt/vertica/bin/vbr --help
vertica backup and restore script help
-h --help                                                print help message
-t --task { backup | restore | copycluster |
            replicate | listbackup | init |
            quick-check | full-check | quick-repair |
            collect-garbage | remove | 7.2_upgrade }     specify task
-c --config-file mybackup.conf                           specify config file
--debug { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }                                change output message level
--nodes v_mydb_node0001[,...]                            only operate on nodes inside the comma separated list
--showconfig                                             displays parameters in the config file
--archive < yymmdd_hhmmss >                              only valid with --task restore, specify which archive to restore from, and --task remove, specify which archive(s) to remove
--dry-run                                                only valid with --task backup/restore/copycluster/replicate, check what the vbr task is going to do, before actually doing
--json                                                   only valid with --task listbackup, output json format on screen
--list-all                                               only valid with --task listbackup, let listbackup list all snapshots on backup hosts
--list-output-file                                       only valid with --task listbackup, specify the file to output
--old-config-file 7_1backup.conf                         only valid with 7.2_upgrade, specify old (pre-7.2) config
--report-file                                            only valid with --task full-check, specify the file to output, output content is lists of files
--restore-objects obj[,...]                              only valid with --task restore, specify which objects to restore
--include-objects pattern[,...]                          only valid with --task restore, specify object wildcards to include objects for restore
--exclude-objects pattern[,...]                          only valid with --task restore, specify object wildcards to exclude objects from restore
--s3-force-init                                          only valid with --task init, force to reinitialize S3 backup locations

Have fun!

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