The Parts of a Session ID

A Vertica Session is an occurrence of a user interacting with a database through the use of SQL statements. Each Session has a an associated Session Identifier stored in the SESSION_ID column of many of the Vertica system tables. The Session ID is a unique identifier within the cluster at any point in time but can be reused after the session closes.


dbadmin=> SELECT session_id, node_name, client_hostname, client_pid, client_os_user_name
dbadmin->   FROM sessions;
           session_id            |     node_name      |  client_hostname   | client_pid | client_os_user_name
v_test_db_node0001-16441:0x26b2 | v_test_db_node0001 | ::1:48442          |      54681 | dbadmin
v_test_db_node0002-25835:0xe0a  | v_test_db_node0002 | |     323864 | knicely
v_test_db_node0002-25835:0x1070 | v_test_db_node0002 | |     323012 | knicely
(3 rows)

The SESSION_ID is comprised of a Node Name, Process ID and Sequence# having the format NodeName-ProcessID:Sequence#, where the Node Name is the Initiator Node and the Sequence Number is a uniquely (at session create time) Vertica generated Hex number.

But where does the Process ID come from? It’s the Vertica Process ID on the initiator node!


dbadmin=> SELECT local_node_name();
(1 row)

dbadmin=> \! ps -ef | grep [5]433| awk '{print $2}'

dbadmin=> \! ssh vertica02 "ps -ef | grep [5]433" | awk '{print $2}'

Have fun!

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