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Simplify String Literals with Dollar-Quoted String Literals — Vertica Forum

Simplify String Literals with Dollar-Quoted String Literals

Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
edited January 2019 in Tips from the Team

The standard syntax for specifying string literals can be difficult to understand. To allow more readable queries in such situations, Vertica SQL provides dollar quoting. Dollar quoting is not part of the SQL standard, but it is often a more convenient way to write complicated string literals than the standard-compliant single quote syntax.


dbadmin=> SELECT 'You''ll have to use '''' ''every'' time you want to display a '' in a ''Single-Quoted'' string literal!' "Confusing Syntax";
                                        Confusing Syntax
You'll have to use '' 'every' time you want to display a ' in a 'Single-Quoted' string literal!
(1 row)

dbadmin=> SELECT $$You don't have to use '' 'every' time you want to display a ' in a 'Dollar-Quoted' string literal!$$ "Not Confusing Syntax";
                                        Not Confusing Syntax
You don't have to use '' 'every' time you want to display a ' in a 'Dollar-Quoted' string literal!
(1 row)

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