Handling Cast Conversion Load Errors
The nifty cast ::! returns all cast failures as NULL instead of generating an error if a the data type cannot be coerced. This cast feature, combined with the FILLER option of the COPY command, is very useful for loading data when data types aren’t playing nice.
dbadmin=> CREATE TABLE test (c INT); CREATE TABLE dbadmin=> \d test List of Fields by Tables Schema | Table | Column | Type | Size | Default | Not Null | Primary Key | Foreign Key --------+-------+--------+------+------+---------+----------+-------------+------------- public | test | c | int | 8 | | f | f | (1 row) dbadmin=> \! cat /home/dbadmin/test.txt "" "1" dbadmin=> COPY test dbadmin-> FROM '/home/dbadmin/test.txt' dbadmin-> ENCLOSED BY '"' dbadmin-> REJECTED DATA TABLE test_bad; Rows Loaded ------------- 1 (1 row) dbadmin=> SELECT c dbadmin-> FROM test; c --- 1 (1 row) dbadmin=> SELECT rejected_data, rejected_reason dbadmin-> FROM test_bad; rejected_data | rejected_reason ---------------+-------------------------------------------- "" | Invalid integer format '' for column 1 (c) (1 row)
Vertica cannot implicitly cast the NULL value to an integer . But we can explicitly using the cast ::!.
dbadmin=> DROP TABLE test_bad; DROP TABLE dbadmin=> TRUNCATE TABLE test; TRUNCATE TABLE dbadmin=> COPY test (c_filler FILLER VARCHAR(1), c AS c_filler::!INT) dbadmin-> FROM '/home/dbadmin/test.txt' dbadmin-> ENCLOSED BY '"' dbadmin-> REJECTED DATA TABLE test_bad; Rows Loaded ------------- 2 (1 row) dbadmin=> SELECT c dbadmin-> FROM test; c --- 1 (2 rows) dbadmin=> SELECT rejected_data, rejected_reason dbadmin-> FROM test_bad; rejected_data | rejected_reason ---------------+-------------------------------------------- (0 rows)
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