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Sort Data from Within a View — Vertica Forum

Sort Data from Within a View

Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator
edited December 2018 in Tips from the Team

If a view definition includes an ORDER BY clause, Vertica ignores it.

But you can force Vertica to sort the view data on the ORDER BY columns by adding a LIMIT clause. If you don’t know how many records to limit, simply limit by some arbitrary large value!


dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM view_fact_table;
  c1  |    c2
    1 | TEST1
   15 | TEST15
  100 | TEST100
 1000 | TEST1000
    2 | TEST2
(5 rows)

dbadmin=> CREATE VIEW some_view AS
dbadmin->   SELECT *
dbadmin->     FROM view_fact_table
dbadmin->    ORDER BY c1;

dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM some_view;
  c1  |    c2
    1 | TEST1
   15 | TEST15
  100 | TEST100
 1000 | TEST1000
    2 | TEST2
(5 rows)

dbadmin=> CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW some_view AS
dbadmin->   SELECT *
dbadmin->     FROM view_fact_table
dbadmin->    ORDER BY c1
dbadmin->   LIMIT 100000000;

dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM some_view;
  c1  |    c2
    1 | TEST1
    2 | TEST2
   15 | TEST15
  100 | TEST100
1000 | TEST1000
(5 rows)

Helpful Link:

Have fun!


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