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Run the Same Query Over and Over Again in VSQL — Vertica Forum

Run the Same Query Over and Over Again in VSQL

Jim_KnicelyJim_Knicely - Select Field - Administrator

The \g vsql meta-function sends the query in the input buffer to the server. This is great for interactively testing if a previous query run time was a fluke and you don’t feel like typing in a long SQL statement again.


dbadmin=> \timing on
Timing is on.

dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM dual;
(1 row)

Time: First fetch (1 row): 16.268 ms. All rows formatted: 16.326 ms

dbadmin=> \g
(1 row)

Time: First fetch (1 row): 7.293 ms. All rows formatted: 7.331 ms

dbadmin=> \g
(1 row)

Time: First fetch (1 row): 5.320 ms. All rows formatted: 5.385 ms

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Have fun!

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