Tracking VBR Invocations

vbr allows you to back up and restore either the full database, or one or more schema and table objects of interest. You can also copy a cluster and list backups you created previously. You can view vbr invocations by querying the DC_VBR_INVOCATIONS data collector table!


dbadmin=> SELECT DISTINCT component, description
dbadmin->   FROM data_collector
dbadmin->  WHERE table_name = 'dc_vbr_invocations';
   component    |                                                description
VbrInvocations  | Monitoring Vbr invocations such as full backup, object backup/restore, object replication and copy cluster
(1 row)

dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM dc_vbr_invocations;
time | node_name | task_name | log_file | identifier | status
(0 rows)

dbadmin=> \q

[dbadmin@SE-Sandbox-26-node1 ~]$ vbr -t backup -c backup_restore_full_external.ini
Starting backup of database test_db.
Participating nodes: v_test_db_node0001, v_test_db_node0002, v_test_db_node0003.
Snapshotting database.
Snapshot complete.
Approximate bytes to copy: 38076300334 of 38076300334 total.
[==================================================] 100%
Copying backup metadata.
Finalizing backup.
Backup complete!

dbadmin=> SELECT * FROM dc_vbr_invocations;
             time              |     node_name      |    task_name     |                  log_file                   |            identifier            |  status
2019-06-27 14:11:22.5663-04    | v_test_db_node0003 | Full Backup Task | /tmp/vbr/vbr_2019-06-27-141119_15IUQPBV.log | ENESW7JO2HSLOJOP437GPHMW9DQP29ZA | Start
2019-06-27 14:24:08.670319-04  | v_test_db_node0003 | Full Backup Task | /tmp/vbr/vbr_2019-06-27-141119_15IUQPBV.log | ENESW7JO2HSLOJOP437GPHMW9DQP29ZA | Complete
(2 rows)

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