9.3.1 Eon | Loading PARQUET from S3 or localdisk

Hello All,
Just wanted to let everyone know I experienced node panic multiple times yesterday when I tried loading a PARQUET file where there was a column mismatch between the table structure. When I tried correcting the table to near-relevant data-type as pointed by errors in the COPY command. After a point the node just panicked and crashed.
Raised this with Engineering, identified as a problem and JIRA has been filed by engineering (Deepak Majeti). This post was just to keep you posted. http://jira.verticacorp.com:8080/jira/browse/VER-71333.



  • Hi, do you have more information on what causes the panic?
    I believe I experienced the same on 9.3.1-4 enterprise mode after first doing ddl changes to target table and then issuing COPY from s3 parquet.

  • LenoyJLenoyJ - Select Field - Employee

    This was fixed in 9.3.1-5.

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