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How to disable or enable spread logging? — Vertica Forum

How to disable or enable spread logging?

How to disable or enable spread logging?


  • To enable/disable spread logging New databases are created with spread logging disabled. This helps the spread service to ride over periods of heavy disk use without losing connectivity. Vertica Support may ask you to enable spread logging in rare cases where the log can help. To enable or disable spread logging 1. As root, edit the file /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf on one of the nodes, and change this line: EventLogFile = /opt/vertica/log/spread_%h.log to or from: EventLogFile = /dev/null Also, in this file, find and copy the spread node name (something like "N192168050011") of the node you are on. Admintools sets this up to be encoding of the IP address of the interface it uses for spread configuration, typically the private network side if the node is dual-homed. The utility ifconfig lists the IP addresses associated with all the net interfaces on the host. 2. After shutting down the database, as root copy this file /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf to all of the other nodes. 3. On the node you used in step 1 above, execute this interactive command: $ /opt/vertica/spread/bin/spmonitor -n -c /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf where is the spread node name you found in step 1 above. It will prompt for an action using "Monitor> " type r to reload the configuration. Then type and 9 to exit the spmonitor program. Spread logging is now disabled/enabled. 4. Restart the DB from Admintools

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