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Can't create database — Vertica Forum

Can't create database

Hi expert, I Install vertical in one centos vm. All configuration are default. But failed when create database. before install: service iptables stop yum remove selinux* install db: [root@lvstest1 pjh]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.3 (Final) [root@lvstest1 pjh]# rpm -ivh vertica-ce-6.0.1-0.x86_64.RHEL5-direct.rpm ...... To complete installation and configuration of the cluster, run: /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica [root@lvstest1 pjh]#/opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica ....... Updating spread configuration... Verifying spread configuration on whole cluster. Error Monitor 0 errors 2 warnings //where I can get these warning Installation completed with warnings. Installation complete. Use admintools to create database(default config) and get this when finish. *** Creating database: bg *** OK [vertica-ce][(6, 0, 1)][000][x86_64] Creating database bg Spread does not seem to be running on The database will not be started on this host. The following host(s) are not available: You should get them running first. Operation can not be completed. adminTools Last Chance Error Handler running... raised error: error message: list index out of range trace file: /opt/vertica/log/adminTools-dbadmin.errors REPORT THIS INFORMATION TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND INCLUDE CONTENTS OF THE TRACE FILE IN YOUR REPORT [root@lvstest1 pjh]# ps -ef | grep vertica spread 27731 1 0 19:56 ? 00:00:00 /opt/vertica/spread/sbin/spread -n N127000000001 -c /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf [root@lvstest1 pjh]# netstat -na | grep 4803 tcp 0 0* LISTEN udp 0 0* [root@lvstest1 pjh]#cat /opt/vertica/log/adminTools-dbadmin.errors handler invoked: 2013-05-06 19:58:33 raised error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/vertica/bin/admintools", line 312, in ac.runApp() File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/ui/adminCtrl.py", line 3942, in runApp self.__ui.runFromNavigation("main") File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/ui/uiMgr.py", line 265, in runFromNavigation self.__navigator.navigate(runFrom) File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/ui/Navigator.py", line 298, in navigate ((self.__menus[ nextMenu ][ self.NAV_MACTIONS ])[ offset ])() File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/ui/adminCtrl.py", line 1853, in createDB result, info = self.__exec.createDB(DBName, nodesInDB, DBpassword=DBpassword, licenseFile=DBinclude.CONFIG_SHARE_DIR + "/license.key") File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/engine/adminExec.py", line 3318, in createDB portNo=port, DBpassword=DBpassword, licenseFile=licenseFile, logger=logger, whichNodesRunSpread=restrictSpread) File "/opt/vertica/oss/python/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vertica/network/SSH.py", line 1538, in createDBMultiNodes code = checkForRunning(dbName, [nodes[initiatorOffset]], askForContinue=interactive, KSafety=k, procCheck=process_checker, spreadHosts=whichNodesRunSpread, logger=logger, requires_all_up=True) IndexError: list index out of range 1. How to do next to fix this problem? OS version? 2. Spread is ok. Why database can't connect spread? 3. I got 2 warning when install, how can I get the warning log? Thanks


  • Hi, - You can get the installation warnings/errors in /opt/vertica/log/admintools-root.log file - Also you can get more details when you created the database in /opt/vertica/log/admintools-dbadmin.log - Check if there is a error in your database folder file dbLog. If you don't have the file created, try to create the database again and monitor for this file under the database directory. - Even that spread seems running fine, try to restart it /etc/init.d/spreadd stop /etc/init.d/spreadd start and try to create the database again. Let me know how it goes and if more debugging is needed. Eugenia
  • You might also want to check /opt/vertica/log/installTools-root.log And: df -k /var
  • Eugenia,Raul Thanks 1. I tried sppreadd stop/start and change sppread listening port to Same problem. 2. there are data file in database folder. No dbLog. [dbadmin@DBService2 pjh1]$ ll total 12 -rw-rw-r--. 1 dbadmin dbadmin 5 May 7 15:06 port.dat drwx------. 8 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 v_pjh1_node0001_catalog drwxrwxr-x. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 v_pjh1_node0001_data [dbadmin@DBService2 pjh1]$ ll v_pjh1_node0001_catalog/ total 36 -rw-------. 1 dbadmin dbadmin 3204 May 7 15:06 bootstrap-catalog.log drwx------. 4 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 Catalog drwx------. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 CopyErrorLogs -rw-------. 1 dbadmin dbadmin 2199 May 7 15:06 debug_log.conf drwx------. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 Libraries drwx------. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 Snapshots drwx------. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 tmp drwx------. 2 dbadmin dbadmin 4096 May 7 15:06 UDxLogs -rw-------. 1 dbadmin dbadmin 921 May 7 15:06 vertica.conf 3. admintools-root.log [dbadmin@DBService2 pjh1]$ vi /opt/vertica/log/adminTools-root.log May 7 14:54:57 [adminExec.__init__] Unique Ports: False May 7 14:54:57 Running installer with options: May 7 14:54:58 [SSH.installedVersion] query results 'vertica-ce 6.0.1 0 x86_64' May 7 14:54:58 Hosts to add: [] May 7 14:54:58 Hosts to remove: [] May 7 14:54:58 Hosts to update: [''] May 7 14:54:58 Resulting cluster: [''] May 7 14:54:58 backing up admintools.conf on May 7 14:54:58 RPM Check, The same version is already installed May 7 14:54:58 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 7 14:54:58 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 7 14:54:59 CPU frequency scaling is enabled. This may adversely affect the performance of your database. May 7 14:54:59 Vertica recommends that cpu frequency scaling be turned off or set to 'performance' May 7 14:54:59 hosts without user [] May 7 14:54:59 hosts with User [''] May 7 14:55:00 False {'': ['127', ['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']]} May 7 14:55:00 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share'] May 7 14:55:00 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/log'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 7 14:54:58 backing up admintools.conf on May 7 14:54:58 RPM Check, The same version is already installed May 7 14:54:58 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 7 14:54:58 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 7 14:54:59 CPU frequency scaling is enabled. This may adversely affect the performance of your database. May 7 14:54:59 Vertica recommends that cpu frequency scaling be turned off or set to 'performance' May 7 14:54:59 hosts without user [] May 7 14:54:59 hosts with User [''] May 7 14:54:59 Info: Admin tool config file /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat already exists. May 7 14:55:00 Info: Admin tool config file /opt/vertica/config/share/portinfo.dat already exists. May 7 14:55:00 Info: Admin tool config file /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key already exists. May 7 14:55:00 [spreadAdmin.spreadCheck]: hosts [''] May 7 14:55:00 [spreadAdmin.spreadCheck]: error with host Exit code '127'. Result was '['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']' May 7 14:55:00 False {'': ['127', ['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']]} May 7 14:55:00 Hosts needing spread restart: [''] May 7 14:55:00 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config'] May 7 14:55:00 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share'] May 7 14:55:00 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/log'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['cat /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 7 14:55:01 root@ ['chmod 777 /etc/sysconfig/spreadd'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/log'] May 7 14:55:08 Verifying spread configuration on whole cluster. May 7 14:55:08 [spreadAdmin.spreadCheck]: hosts [''] May 7 14:55:08 True {'': ['0', ['spread (pid 22598) is running...']]} May 7 14:55:08 True {'': ['0', []]} May 7 14:55:08 Updating admin tools node list: ['v_bg_node0001', 'node0001', 'v_test_node0001'] May 7 14:55:08 [adminExec.write_dict] writing /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat as dbadmin (running as root) May 7 14:55:08 [adminExec.write_dict] writing /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat, changing ownership with: chown dbadmin /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chmod 0660 /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chown root:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/d5415f948449e9d4c421b568f2411140.dat'] May 7 14:55:08 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/d5415f948449e9d4c421b568f2411140.dat'] May 7 14:55:09 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key'] May 7 14:55:09 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share/portinfo.dat'] 4. This is what I get from installTools-root.log. root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:54:57 root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 Installation complete. root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 To create a database: root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 1. Logout and login as dbadmin.** root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 2. Run /opt/vertica/bin/adminTools as dbadmin root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 3. Select Create Database from the Configuration Menu root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 pjh@ software vertica-ce-6.0.1-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm vertica-client-6.0.1-0.x86_64.rpm The installation modified the group privileges for dbadmin. root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 If you used sudo to install vertica as dbadmin, you will root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 need to logout and login again before the privileges are applied. root@DBService2:2013-05-07_14:55:09 5. database folder's log [dbadmin@DBService2 v_pjh1_node0001_catalog]$ vi bootstrap-catalog.log 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 INFO New log 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Log /home/dbadmin/pjh1/v_pjh1_node0001_catalog/bootstrap-catalog.log opened; #1 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Processing command line: /opt/vertica/bin/bootstrap-catalog -C pjh1 -H -s v_pjh1_node0001 -D /home/dbadmin/pjh1/v_pjh1_node0001_catalog -S /home/dbadmin/pjh1/v_pjh1_node0001_data -A password -a pjh 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Starting up Vertica Analytic Database v6.0.1-0 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Project Codename: BunkerHill 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] vertica(v6.0.1-0) built by release@build2.verticacorp.com from releases/VER_6_0_RELEASE_BUILD_1_0_20120917@101681 on 'Mon Sep 17 14:23:58 2012' $BuildId$ 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] 64-bit Optimized Build 2013-05-07 15:06:14.657 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Compiler Version: 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52) 2013-05-07 15:06:14.658 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 @[initializing]: 00000/5081: Total swap memory used: 0 2013-05-07 15:06:14.658 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 @[initializing]: 00000/4435: Process size resident set: 18919424 2013-05-07 15:06:14.658 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 @[initializing]: 00000/5075: Total Memory free + cache: 6509617152 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Looking for catalog at: /home/dbadmin/pjh1/v_pjh1_node0001_catalog/Catalog 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Init] Catalog not loaded from /home/dbadmin/pjh1/v_pjh1_node0001_catalog, probably being bootstrapped or empty 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Catalog] Catalog::getLocalNodeInternal empty node name 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Transaction sequence set, seq num=0, nodeID=a 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Catalog sequence set, seq num=0, nodeID=a 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Catalog] Catalog::getLocalNodeInternal empty node name 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Begin Txn: fff0000000000bca 'create initial catalog' 2013-05-07 15:06:14.659 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 @[initializing]: 00000/2717: Constructing empty catalog 2013-05-07 15:06:14.660 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Transaction sequence set, seq num=0, nodeID=a 2013-05-07 15:06:14.660 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Catalog sequence set, seq num=0, nodeID=a 2013-05-07 15:06:14.660 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Starting Commit: Txn: fff0000000000bca 'create initial catalog' 2013-05-07 15:06:14.660 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 @[initializing]: V2001/3863: License issue: No Vertica license is installed HINT: Visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us 2013-05-07 15:06:14.661 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Txn] Commit Complete: Txn: fff0000000000bca at epoch 0x1 2013-05-07 15:06:14.661 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Catalog] Checkpointing - Versions GLOBAL: 1 LOCAL: 1, COMMIT 1 2013-05-07 15:06:14.661 unknown:0x7f78685c4700 [Catalog] Checkpoint complete COMMIT 1
  • You might want to check - ls -l /etc/init.d/spreadd The error messages contained the following: Exit code '127'. Result was '['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']' May 7 14:55:00 False {'': ['127', ['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']]}
  • Hi, You mention that you use /etc/init.d/spread to stop and restart spread. However, the message Exit code '127'. Result was '['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']' May 7 14:55:00 False {'': ['127', ['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']]} Reinstall spread just in case. To reinstall it use the install_vertica script with option -S default. install_vertica -S default -r <> Let me know how it goes. Eugenia
  • Hi Eugenia,Raul 1. There's spreadd. And I can start/stop it. [root@DBService2 pjh]# ls -l /etc/init.d/spreadd lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 34 May 7 14:55 /etc/init.d/spreadd -> /opt/vertica/spread/daemon/spreadd [root@DBService2 pjh]# ll /opt/vertica/spread/daemon/spreadd -rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 4794 Sep 18 2012 /opt/vertica/spread/daemon/spreadd [root@DBService2 pjh]# /etc/init.d/spreadd stop Stopping spread daemon: [ OK ] [root@DBService2 pjh]# /etc/init.d/spreadd start Starting spread daemon: spread (pid 17344) is running... [ OK ] 2. I try to reinstall with Eugenia's suggestion. Same problem. Still there're 2 warning i in install log. [root@DBService2 pjh]# /opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica -S default -r "vertica-ce-6.0.1-0.x86_64.RHEL5.rpm" 3. I install in redhat5.8 and there's no such problem. I can create database. And there's 1 warning in install log. This's the adminTools-root.log. It's looked the same as problem one. I find the difference between two is number of warning when install complete. How to get detail warning log? May 6 17:21:37 [adminExec.__init__] Unique Ports: False May 6 17:21:37 Running installer with options: May 6 17:21:37 [SSH.installedVersion] query results 'vertica-ce 6.0.1 0 x86_64' May 6 17:21:37 Hosts to add: ['localhost'] May 6 17:21:37 Hosts to remove: [] May 6 17:21:37 Hosts to update: [] May 6 17:21:37 Resulting cluster: ['localhost'] May 6 17:21:37 backing up admintools.conf on localhost May 6 17:21:37 RPM Check, The same version is already installed May 6 17:21:37 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 6 17:21:37 root@ ['/opt/vertica/bin/validators.sh'] May 6 17:21:37 hosts without user ['localhost'] May 6 17:21:37 hosts with User [] May 6 17:21:37 root@ ['[ -e /home/dbadmin ]'] May 6 17:21:41 localhost: Info: Admin tool config file /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key already exists. May 6 17:21:41 [spreadAdmin.spreadCheck]: hosts ['localhost'] May 6 17:21:41 False {'localhost': ['127', ['/bin/sh: /etc/init.d/spreadd: No such file or directory']]} May 6 17:21:42 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 6 17:21:42 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf'] May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share'] May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/log'] May 6 17:21:48 True {'localhost': ['0', ['spread (pid 17873) is running...']]} May 6 17:21:48 True {'localhost': ['0', []]} May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share/agent.key'] May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chmod 400 /opt/vertica/config/share/agent.key'] May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chmod 400 /opt/vertica/config/share/agent.cert'] May 6 17:21:48 root@ ['chmod 400 /opt/vertica/config/share/agent.pem'] May 6 17:21:48 Creating node node0001 definition for host localhost May 6 17:21:48 [adminExec.do_create_node] creating node w/ ['node0001', 'localhost', '~dbadmin/', '~dbadmin/'] May 6 17:21:48 [adminExec.do_create_node] creating node w/ ['node0001', 'localhost', '~dbadmin/', '~dbadmin/'] May 6 17:21:48 [adminExec.isNodeDefined] qry: '['node0001', 'localhost', '~dbadmin/', '~dbadmin/']' May 6 17:21:49 Updating admin tools node list: ['node0001'] May 6 17:21:49 [adminExec.write_dict] writing /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat as dbadmin (running as root) May 6 17:21:49 [adminExec.write_dict] writing /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat, changing ownership with: chown dbadmin /opt/vertica/config/users/dbadmin/installed.dat May 6 17:21:49 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf'] May 6 17:21:49 root@ ['chmod 0660 /opt/vertica/config/admintools.conf'] May 6 17:21:49 root@ ['chown root:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/d5415f948449e9d4c421b568f2411140.dat'] May 6 17:21:49 root@ ['chmod 777 /opt/vertica/config/d5415f948449e9d4c421b568f2411140.dat'] May 6 17:21:49 root@ ['chown dbadmin:verticadba /opt/vertica/config/share/license.key']
  • Hi Eugenia,Rual, More information about my problem. Maybe it's useful for analyze. 1. The vm got problem is on MS's Azure. CentOS 6.3. 2. I install CentOS 6.3 on my local VM machine. There's no this problem. I can create database. There're 2 warning when install. 3. I use nc -l 4803 and nc -u -l 4803 to check network. It's OK. This is too strange.
  • Hi Eugenia,Rual, I use strace to check spread process and get some information. The problem one get a lot of gettimeofday. # strace -c -p 1698 Process 1698 attached - interrupt to quit ^CProcess 1698 detached % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 96.65 0.001011 14 72 select 3.35 0.000035 1 36 sendmsg 0.00 0.000000 0 36 recvmsg 0.00 0.000000 0 180 gettimeofday ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 100.00 0.001046 324 total The OK one like this.. [root@localhost ~]# strace -c -p 12908 Process 12908 attached - interrupt to quit ^CProcess 12908 detached % time seconds usecs/call calls errors syscall ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 100.00 0.000099 2 40 sendmsg 0.00 0.000000 0 80 select 0.00 0.000000 0 40 recvmsg ------ ----------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------- 100.00 0.000099 160 total
  • I too am getting the same error. Error says spread does not seem to be running on any node, But when I check, spread is up and running on all nodes. What do I do next? Pankaj
  • Hi Pankaj, Where do you have your cluster? The original issue with this user the installation was done in Windows Azure cloud, at the moment we do not support installations other than Amazon cloud and we just support 1 type of instance on the amazon cloud. Let me know. Eugenia
  • We have installed on HP DL 380 servers.OS is Centos 6,3. Can you help me? The step where it is failing is CREATE DATABASE. Under DBADMIN folder, I do see vmartdb directory with catalog and data subdirs but it says the spread is not running even though it is up and running on all 3 nodes where Vertica is installed.
  • hello, I am new at Vertica ( I work for HP r&d software in Yehud,Israel) . I think I encounter more or less the same issue . I have done the installation, it seems ok , but when trying to create the database I get the same error . Also when I check the spread seems to be running , there is no fw enabled, all three nodes are on the same segment .I send you the same commands .linux redhat v6.3 . Thanks! -bash-4.1$ ps -ef | grep vertica 500 28298 26148 0 23:21 pts/0 00:00:00 grep vertica spread 32159 1 0 May23 ? 00:01:46 /opt/vertica/spread/sbin/spread -n N015224231017 -c /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf -bash-4.1$ netstat -na | grep 4803 tcp 0 0* LISTEN tcp 0 0* LISTEN udp 0 0* udp 0 0* udp 0 0* unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 852641 /tmp/4803 -bash-4.1$ cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.3 (Santiago)
  • Hi, Verify this 2 things in spread : 1- Check the /opt/vertica/config/vspread.conf files on all nodes – they need to be identical. 2- Do spread test with spuser to see if nodes at least are communicating between them. You can do spuser -r test like this /opt/vertica/spread/bin/spuser -r At the prompt User > enter in “j test” j is for join and you are creating a grouping called test. Repeat this on all nodes to confirm that they are connecting to each other. You should see the new connections come in with each node connecting. If the spuser -r is working is fine, it is not the spread error. Can you check if there is a dbLog file or if there is any additional info in /opt/vertica/log/adminTools-dbadmin.log file? Eugenia
  • Hi Eugenia, i actually found it , it may be related to linux 6.3 : the privileges for /etc/sysconfig/init are different then in version5 . I found it couldn't execute it .( all over the log file ....) changed it to 544 and now the db has been created ( Yeeeehhhh ) . ls -ltr /etc/sysconfig/init -rwxr-x---. 1 root root 1154 Apr 28 10:59 /etc/sysconfig/init [root@vrtalbdb01n3 ~]# chmod 544 /etc/sysconfig/init I am sure I we will be in touch again :-) , Thanks!!
  • Glad that you resolve it, maybe Panjak has the same issue.
  • The issue is resolved. log file was complaining about the permission issue on /etc/sysconfig/network for the dbadmin user. So changed the permissions so dbadmin user can read this file. Changed it to 644.
  • Hi Eugenia, I actually solved the thread :-) do I get a kudo or something ? do you do that stuff ? Actually I'm just glad i got it up and running and i am sure I will encounter other issues on the way for which I will end up asking for help . good to know you are here :-)
  • Hi Pankaj, Thanks for your solution. It also works for my issue:) Thanks all guys. Your discussion help me a lot.
  • I am glad that the issue got resolved. It is important that you check the right logs when having problems. The logs how always more details. This are the most common logs. - Installation problems => /opt/vertica/logs/admintools-root.log - Start Database, other adminTools things => /opt/vertica/logs/admintools-dbadmin.log - Start Database or database issues => /v__catalog/vertica.log - Starting database but never progress. You can also check => /v__catalog/dbLog - Database shutdown, grep vertica.log for , if there is, details on /v__catalog/ErrorReport.txt - Database Designer issue => designer folder/designer.log This are the most important logs that helps you to diagnostics issues. I will ask support to research further the issue that you all were having to see if something new for this version of Operating System. All the best! and enjoy Vertica! Eugenia
  • You got Kudos from me and my star :) . I am not sure what do you mean if I do this stuff?. I work in Vertica in the Professional Service team. I participate in the Community Forums when I can, just to help people to go through little issue so they can start to see the beauty of Vertica, powerful, fast, cutting edge technology and very simple and transparent. All the best with your project!
  • Hi Eugenia, I can't find my user , i know that sound stupid ; but I gues i didn't save it anywhere and can't find any email or so that shows me my details. Can you send me my user from there I think I will remember my password . Thanks!
  • oops, never mind , found it .
  • Hi Eugenia, I'm trying to install community edition and it went fine up to installing and starting admintool. When i tried to create the database. it failed saying "No Vertica licence installed. Following is the adminTools-dbadmin.log content. Can you tell me what went wrong? 2013-06-14 12:38:38.022 Recover:0x1b8e2430-a0000000000006 [Txn] Starting Commit: Txn: a0000000000006 'set recovery clerk' 2013-06-14 12:38:38.022 Recover:0x1b8e2430-a0000000000006 @v_verticadb_node0001: V2001/3863: License issue: No Vertica license is installed HINT: Visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us 2013-06-14 12:38:38.022 Recover:0x1b8e2430 [Txn] Commit Complete: Txn: a0000000000006 at epoch 0x1 2013-06-14 12:38:38.023 Recover:0x1b8e2430 @v_verticadb_node0001: V2001/3863: License issue: No Vertica license is installed HINT: Visit http://www.vertica.com/about/contact-us 2013-06-14 12:38:38.023 Recover:0x1b8e2430 [Recover] Clerk: All known nodes are up, done. (Node count = 1; known nodes = 1) 2013-06-14 12:38:38.023 Recover:0x1b8e2430 [Recover] Cancelling recovery assessment task 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 4352 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] nodeToState map: 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] v_verticadb_node0001 : UP 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Recover] State change for node v_verticadb_node0001: UP; catalog 5 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Recover] Started recovery assessment task: request ID = 38 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Txn] Begin Txn: a0000000000007 'ProjUtil::getLocalNodeLGE' 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Catalog] Checking for missed alter partition events 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Catalog] Found no missed alter partition events 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Catalog] Checking for missed restore table events 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Catalog] Found no missed restore table events 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Recover] Get Local Node LGE: node current cpe is 0 2013-06-14 12:38:40.549 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810-a0000000000007 [Txn] Rollback Txn: a0000000000007 'ProjUtil::getLocalNodeLGE' 2013-06-14 12:38:40.550 Timer Service:0x1d5e6810 [Recover] My local node LGE = 0x8000000000000000 and current epoch = 0x1 2013-06-14 12:38:40.550 Recover:0x1b8e2430 [Recover] Clerk: All known nodes are up, done. (Node count = 1; known nodes = 1) 2013-06-14 12:38:40.550 Recover:0x1b8e2430 [Recover] Cancelling recovery assessment task 2013-06-14 12:38:40.629 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 5120 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:41.696 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 4352 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:41.756 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 5120 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:42.440 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 4352 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:42.500 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 5120 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:43.161 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 4352 on Vertica:all 2013-06-14 12:38:43.241 Spread Client:0x1dae9ab0 [Comms] Saw membership message 5120 on Vertica:all Jun 14 12:38:44 dbadmin@ ['rm -rf /home/dbadmin/verticaDB'] Jun 14 12:38:44 [adminExec.load_dict_lock] File /opt/vertica/config/share/portinfo.dat locked Jun 14 12:38:44 [adminExec.write_dict_lock] writing /opt/vertica/config/share/portinfo.dat as dbadmin (running as dbadmin) Jun 14 12:38:44 Multi-node DB creation unsuccessful Jun 14 12:38:44 Create DB complete, signaling FAIL Thank you, Sri

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