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Install Vertica in AWS EC2 — Vertica Forum

Install Vertica in AWS EC2

If I install Vertica in a smaller instance other than cc2.8xlarge in AWS, can I still choose pre-configured Vertica AMI? Or, I'd better to install Vertica from scratch by myself? Thanks


  • Hi Mike, I believe Amazon doesn't let you take images created for one type of instance and re-use them for a different type of instance. Currently we only have the one image available. It's somewhat tricky to correctly performance-tune a new Vertica AMI, unfortunately -- Vertica is intended for real physical hardware, and network-attached disk and virtualized network can cause real performance issues. Feel free to look at our image to see how it's set up. Also, feel free to post about any tricks that you discover; others here may well be interested. If you're an enterprise user and have a specific use case, feel free to discuss your needs with support or technical services.

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