I/O error occured while sending to the backend on JDBC connection
Hello, We have front application error out on regular basis with 'com.vertica.util.PSQLException: An I/O error occurred while sending to the back-end.' Vertica version is 6.0.x / JDBC Version 5.0.14. We use JDBC to make the call to database and I'm trying to understand why this error happening, We don't see corresponding error on the vertica.log as the SQL ran successfully on the db side. For some reason, the connection got closed or error happened with the connection. SQL runs for few seconds ( 1 to 25 seconds). All our connection are routed thru netscalar load balancer and here is the setting. Any thoughts on why I'm hitting this error ? Settings: Type Vserver_Port Setting Current_Value Default_Value application 5433 clienttimeout 3600 180 application 5433 servertimeout 3600 360 vserver 5433 vserverclienttimeout 3600 180