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Delay in refreshing Tableau 8.0 — Vertica Forum

Delay in refreshing Tableau 8.0

hi, We are facing performance issues when using Tableau 8.0 with Vertica Analytic Database v6.0.1-4. Every time a user hits refresh on a work book in live mode, it runs the following query to fetch entire catalog from the database. Since queries by normal database users against catalog tables are slow in Vertica 6.0(known issue fixed in 6.1 I believe), it takes several minutes to refresh a work book. But the query to fetch the actual data takes only a few seconds. (select * from (select 'xxxxx' as catalog_name, vs_projections.schemaname as schema_name, vs_projections.anchortablename as table_name, null as non_unique, null as index_qualifier, null as index_name, 0 as type, null as ordinal_position, null as column_name, null as asc_or_desc, ROUND(AVG(total_row_count - deleted_row_count)) as cardinality, null as pages, null as filter_condition from vs_projections join storage_containers on vs_projections.name = storage_containers.projection_name group by vs_projections.schemaname, vs_projections.anchortablename order by non_unique, type, index_qualifier, index_name, ordinal_position) as vmd where catalog_name ilike E'mercury' escape E'\\' and schema_name ilike E'v_monitor' escape E'\\' and table_name ilike E'sessions' escape E'\\') Thanks D Note: This topic was created from a reply on the Problem in connecting vertica with tableau topic.


  • I had a similar but different issue running Tableau against Vertica 5.1.6. My notes on this say that there was a V6.0.1-5 hot fix that resolved the system table issue. Worth checking into. In order to avoid my issue, I ended up creating a view to mask the storage_containers table so that users couldn't query it. If I want to query it, I use the explicit schema name. None of our Tableau users have complained, so Tableau must quietly move on. I think the Tableau in my case was prior to 8.0, so your mileage may vary. create view public.storage_containers as select 'This view prevents users from querying against v_monitor.storage_containers'; grant select on public.storage_containers to public; --Sharon
  • Thanks for your quick response Sharon! We will try those options. -Durga
  • Is there a way to disable catalog queries in Tableau? There is no reason for the users to query the catalog every time the data in the dashboard changes.

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