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type changes when vertica pass data to R — Vertica Forum

type changes when vertica pass data to R

I am passing a table of data (1 column) of type varchar to R, and in the R i printed it out, but i found all the data changed into numeric value. Following is the declaration of the function: testReturn <- function(wf) { result <- matrix(c('2'), ncol=1, nrow=nrow(wf)) #create a matrix with 1 column of varchar type to take the data. result[,1] <- wf[,1] result } testReturnFactory <- function() { list(name=testReturn,udxtype=c("transform"),intype=c("varchar"),outtype=c("varchar"),outnames=c("MSISDN")) } Following is my testing sql: drop library TestReturnLib cascade; create library TestReturnLib as '/home/dbadmin/IP/testReturn.R' language 'R'; create transform function TestReturn as name 'testReturnFactory' library TestReturnLib; drop table TestReturn; create table TestReturn("MSISDN" varchar(30)); insert into TestReturn (MSISDN) values('123'); insert into TestReturn (MSISDN) values('124'); insert into TestReturn (MSISDN) values('125'); drop table TestReturnResult; select * into TestReturnResult from (select testReturn(MSISDN) over() from TestReturn) as dummy; select * from TestReturnResult; The result is very wierd: MSISDN -------- 1 2 3 not the expected MSISDN -------- 123 124 125


  • R: testReturn <- function(wf) { result <- matrix(c('2'), ncol=1, nrow=nrow(wf)) result[,1] <- wf[,1] result } testReturnFactory <- function() { list(name=testReturn,udxtype=c("transform"),intype=c("varchar"),outtype=c("varchar"),outnames=c("MSISDN")) }
  • testReturn <- function(wf){ result <- matrix(c('2'), ncol=1, nrow=nrow(wf)) result[,1] <- wf[,1] result } testReturnFactory <- function(){ list(name=testReturn,udxtype=c("transform"),intype=c("varchar"),outtype=c("varchar"),outnames=c("MSISDN")) }
  • testReturn == function(wf){ result <- matrix(c('2'), ncol=1, nrow=nrow(wf)) result[,1] <- wf[,1] result } testReturnFactory == function(){ list(name=testReturn,udxtype=c("transform"),intype=c("varchar"),outtype=c("varchar"),outnames=c("MSISDN")) }

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