successfully loaded data is missing after few minutes!!

Hi all, I am loading the data into a table using insert /*+ direct */ into c select * from a,b as i wanna load data from 2 tables into one table. the query executes and shows 20000 rows added BUT after few minutes when i execute query like select count(*) from c, it shows 0 rows!! how this can happen??!!


  • Hello Renu, How are you executing the insert query, via some script or using vsql. Are you executing the "select count(*) from c" in a new session?
  • hi Thanks for your response yes! am using script. yes! I am getting 0 rows when I execute the query in a new session!
  • Hello Renu, By default the Autocommit is off in Vertica. Insert query will always need a "COMMIT" statement to save all the inserted records. If you don't specify a "COMMIT" in your script then the transaction ends without saving the changes. That might be the reason when you open a new session, you are getting 0 records. Hope this helps
  • ya Thanks it worked :):):):)

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