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vertica db on two different SAN controllers? — Vertica Forum

vertica db on two different SAN controllers?

In my current vertica cluster setup (3 nodes), each node has been allocated 850 GB of space from SAN. In accordance with sizing requirement, I need to increase the size on each server to about 5 TB. However the space is available on a different SAN controller. Is there a way to store the data on two different SAN controllers?


  • Hi Rahul, I should first warn you that we strongly recommend against using a SAN to store Vertica data. Vertica puts an unusually heavy load on disk IO infrastructure; we have seen both major performance bottlenecks and outright bugs in SAN systems due to the loads that we impose. If you choose to run on a SAN, we don't control the SAN so we can't fix either issue should it occur. We strongly prefer local storage on each node, for both performance and reliability reasons. That said, a three-node database is probably small enough that you can get away with it, if you have a good SAN... You can store data on two different volumes in Vertica, SAN or otherwise; look up "storage locations" in the Vertica documentation for instructions on how to configure this. Adam

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