PostgreSQL DB to Vertica DB Migration

PostgreSQL DB to Vertica DB Migration - Can I get a document/process which provides the steps on migrating PostgreSQL to Vertica? Currently we are connecting vertica from DB Visualizer. PostgreSQL Version: 9.1 Vertica Version: 4.1.2 DB Visualizer Version: DB Visualizer Pro 9.0.7 PostgreSQL Data Size: 400GB (50 tables)


  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    Since DB Visualizer supports PostgreSQL as well as Vertica, so you should be able to migrate the data from PostgreSQL to Vertica. May visit the below URL for more info. Can you copy any table from Oracle to vertica using DB Visualizer?
  • Thanks for the reply Prasanta. We are looking for a tool which will automatically export postgres schemas and import into vertica DB schemas. DB Vis has only Import and Export options for tables. I guess the Pro edition has this. Anyways, still figuring out options.
  • edited 2017 23

    Use Alteryx tool , it is good

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