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Vertica ADO.NET data provider in Visual Studio 2012 — Vertica Forum

Vertica ADO.NET data provider in Visual Studio 2012

I need help getting the Vertica data provider for .net to work within Visual Studio 2012. Do I have to modify the registry to be able to see it with my other data providers? Has anybody gotten this to work?


  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    Download Windows ADO.net driver from https://my.vertica.com/downloads/ and follow the steps in https://my.vertica.com/docs/6.1.x/HTML/index.htm#11602.htm Please see if that helps you.
  • Does this work with Visual Studio 2012? I don't see "Visual Studio Integration" option when I install ADO.net driver..
  • I haven't had a reply to this query either. I followed the instructions given by employee above, but I still can't get it to work. Can anybody out there help me?
  • I understand your problems. I think you both cannot be find the Vertica ADO.Net classes. Hence you cannot do anything forward. First you find the Vertica.Data.dll file from your Vertica ADO.Net installed folder and import the Dll file to your .Net project by add Reference property. Then you can use it in your code and follow the instructions from below link https://my.vertica.com/docs/6.1.x/HTML/index.htm#11613.htm Ralaad
  • Ralaad, this is not the problem at all. I ran the install for 64-bit and the dll assembly does appear, I have been able to add this assembly as a reference. The problem is that the Visual Studio registry is not getting updated, so Vertica does not appear as a list of "data providers", which prevents me from using all the wizards available in Visual Studio to attach to Vertica data. Programming all of this by hand would be a pain. Lately, also the reference to the assembly has been disappearing from my projects for some reason. But this is a separate issue.
  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    Hi Terry, I got a confirmation that, We don't support Visual Studio 2012 yet in ADO.NET. It's a new feature under development for Crane (next release). We only support Visual Studio 2008 currently. If I have any more information, I will share you. This would be available in the next release.
  • 2008 was five years and two versions ago. When exactly is the next release? This throws a spanner in our development.
  • For what it's worth, if you'd like a feature, post about it in the "Ideas" section of the forums. That's where folks here tend to look for this type of thing. We don't generally give out exact dates on the forums; there's all this legalese about committing to stuff and what if we slip the deadline to put out an important new feature? and etc. If you do want specifics, you'll likely get more info by contacting Support directly. Without making any future commitments, though, I'll observe that our past major releases have been spaced relatively consistently.

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