Kerberos support for Windows clients (Active Directory integration)

Fully integrate Kerberos authentication into Windows clients. It's not a nice-to-have, it's a critical capability and Vertica shouldn't claim Kerberos support and Windows support if the truth is that you can have either but not both! Integration of Linux-based Kerberos and Active Directory is straightforward. I can demo login using an AD Kerberos server from Linux, but the Windows drivers don't support GSSAPI or Kerberos, as far as I can tell and based on other information on this site.


  • Thanks for the suggestion, and sorry for the lack of response to date. I'm not on the product-management side of things (I'm just a random engineer) so I can't commit to anything. But I can tell you we've heard this one loud and clear.
  • Thank you! I understand that you can't make promises...

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