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Vsql windows client — Vertica Forum

Vsql windows client

Hi Team, i have installed vertica client package on windows which is having jdbc driver, vsql client. When i tried to connect to vertica database running on linux machine, its not working am using following comand to connect from windows machine. vsql –Uxxxxx –W -hxxxxxx.host.com -p5433 vsql: warning: extra command-line argument "-hxxxxxx.host.com" ign ored vsql: warning: extra command-line argument "-p5433" ignored vsql: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "???" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5433? Please let me know what would be the problem.. cannt use windows vsql clinet to connect to vertica databse? Thanks Renuka M


  • Hi Renuka,

    The parameter option "-W" is incorrect, the correct parameter is -w (small latter).
    Please try with -w and you should be able to connect.

    Also, give a blank space between parameter name and its value (e.g. -U xxxx). Below string looks incorrect.

    vsql –Uxxxxx –W -hxxxxxx.host.com -p5433 

  • Thank you. Its working after i chnage W to w and gave password. But i have a quuestion.. -W option is to prompt for password where -w is to specify password there itself.. why -W option not working?
  • Hi Renuka, Yes, you are right. With -W it should prompt for password. I am not sure why it didn't work for you. I am able to connect at my end with -W [gl@verticats ~]$ vsql -U gl -W -p 5433 Password: Welcome to vsql, the Vertica Analytic Database interactive terminal. Type: \h or \? for help with vsql commands \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query \q to quit gl=> Can you try once more? Use the same string which you used for login which was successfull. Just replace "-w passord" with -W. Thanks, Pravesh
  • HI Pravesh, Its working.. Thank you. seems some formattting issue previously.

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