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Vertica client drivers previous versions — Vertica Forum

Vertica client drivers previous versions

Hi Team, where can we find the vertica client drivers previous versions. as of now 6.1.2 is available. But our server is 6.0. as per the compatability documnet, clinet version 6.1 compatable with server version 6.1 only where as clinet version 6.0 compatable with server version 6.0 and 6.1. So please let me know where can i download vertica 6.0.x clinet package version?


  • any updates on this? we have a cluster running at 6.0.1 version. But the client package 6.1.2 only available to download.. as per the compatability matrix, we have to use 6.0.x drivers to access 6.0.x or 6.1.x server. so we are looking for 6.0.x clinet drivers.. but i count find any link to download old versions?
  • HI Amelia, any updates on this? where can i download old versions of client drivers.
  • Hi there, Apologies for the delay in answering you! You should be able to download previous versions of the client from the Download tab on my.vertica. The default tab brings you to the 6.1.x release, but links on the side let you access downloads for older releases, including 6.0. Hope this is helpful--please let us know if you're able to get to the links.
  • Hi, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that link is not enabled. There is a column for other vertica versions.. But no link provided.. PLease do the needful.
  • Hi, I am also in the same position. Can you please provide the link for previous version drivers. Thanks

  • I need to download JDBC 6.0 client driver to work with CE v6.0.  Where can I find that software?  Thanks.

  • Still a problem. Where are the 6.X drivers and clients?
  • Is there a trick to getting the 6.X ones to show? All I'm seeing are 7.0.0 clients and drivers (or v6 SQL compatibility and encryption packages)
  • no its im blind :)
  • Darn, thnx anyways
  • HP, seriously guys. How hard is it to build a single page that hosts all the previous drivers. My team and I have lost hours, HOURS, trying to find drivers, etc. Are you deliberately making this difficult. I am not questioning our decision to invest time into testing your technology. I mean if you can even get a driver page right what else is broken?
  • Hi Kwesi,

    Our apologies for any difficulties you've had finding drivers.  We would like to help; if you could help us to understand where those hours went, we'd be glad to improve things for you.

    That said, I'm at a bit of a loss:  Our downloads page is, well, a single page.  If you go to http://my.vertica.com/, log in, and click "Downloads", you get a single page with links to all downloads that your account has access to.  The page can be a bit large; we should probably break it up and clean up the layout a bit; but our hope is that it would not take hours to read it.

    In the past (when this thread was started), the CE account only had access to the latest drivers.  But we have since updated it to have drivers for the most-recent two major versions.

    Most of our recent requests have been for either Vertica 6 or Vertica 7.  Vertica 5 is an older release at this point (it predates Vertica's acquisition by HP a few years ago and has a number of major limitations going forward); its drivers are not available for download except by Enterprise users.

    If you need access to a broader array of tools and do not have an Enterprise account, our sales folks would be glad to discuss with you.

    In terms of testing, we are glad to hear that you are testing Vertica.  No software is perfect.  We've found (and reported, through proper channels) issues in other major database systems, etc.  We think we have a great product, but I would never trust anyone who claimed their code was perfect.  If you do find any issues, report them; we'll get them fixed for you.

  • Incidentally, for future readers of this thread:  The Vertica CE Downloads page now contains recent past drivers.  They are currently at the bottom of the page.

    We always recommend using the latest version of our drivers that is compatible with the server that you are running.  (Which may or may not be the drivers with the same version number as the server that you are running -- see the driver documentation, usually it's just "the latest drivers".)
  • Ok got it. I followed one of the previous threads that linked to the marketplace and could only find 7.0 drivers. Maybe remove that thread and others linking to the Marketplace? 

  • Thanks for the feedback.  The Marketplace is a new site; it just came out of beta recently so its content has just gotten settled (and is still growing).

    This site is an open user forum; like any public forum, anything (including stale/incorrect/etc information) could be posted here.  Even employee responses are only answers to the specific user question; hopefully they'll continue to be useful, but sometimes things do change.

    We try to correct stale information as we notice it.  I'll keep an eye out for other posts about these drivers.  (If you happen to notice any posts that don't match information on http://my.vertica.com/, you're of course welcome to correct them as well.  We'll hopefully notice too, but user contributions are always welcome.)

  • Hi Adam, Can you provide me a link for the ODBC drivers for Vertica (Windows).
    I have the vertica version 7.0.0 installed on my centos machine and i am trying to connect a BI tool via DSN but the odbc driver pack on the CE page is for 7.1.1. I guess thats why it is giving me an error.

  • the dowload page said:
    The 6.1.3 drivers are temporarily unavailable. We expect to be able to make them available again by November 14th.

    please, can make available ODBC drivers for windows version 6?
  • Hi!

    If you have a Vertica package (rpm/deb - whatever) you can extract driver from package.
    please, can make available ODBC drivers for windows version 6?
    So you have HP Vertica server instance. Just extract driver from server instance

    Or wait for official answer - its your choice: to be stacked until drivers will be available or extract it from server instance.

    Good Luck.
  • any updates?

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