can I load a file with delimiter including several chars?

I want to load a file with delimiter including four char. but I got error: ERROR 2730: COPY delimiter must be a single character can I load a file with delimiter isn't a single char?


  • Hello Vincent, Can you show us the sample data you want to load with the delimiter including four char. Try using the Copy command's delimiter option with your delimiter
  • Hi Navin, my sample data as below(the delimiter is ‘$NC$'): 1$NC$Vincent$NC$2011-01-01$NC$8602162311234,8602162311233 1$NC$STEVEN$NC$2011-02-01$NC$8602162311235|8602162311236 in the business, I cannot use simple char(such as '|' or ',') as delimiter because maybe these char exists in the field value. how can i load it with command copy. thanks in advanced
  • I have exactly the same type of use case - any single character can appear in the data that would be loaded, how can we specify an uncommon string as the delimiter - like |+|?
  • Hi!
    any single character can appear in the data
    Escape too? Non-printable chars too?
  • Hi!

    For anyone who have same issue I did a small python script. Will demonstrate on Topic Question.

    CREATE TABLE public.multisep
    id int,
    name varchar(80),
    date date,
    field varchar(80)


    $ ./ -h
    usage: ./ [-h] -i PATH -d STR [-D CHAR]

    modifies a delimiter in CSV file; print output to STDOUT

    optional arguments:
    -h, --help show this help message and exit
    -i PATH specifies a CSV file to process.
    -d STR specifies an original delimiter.
    -D CHAR specifies a new fields delimiter. [default: '\x1b']

    Usage example:

    daniel@synapse:~/Documents$ /tmp/ -i /tmp/sample.txt -d '$NC$' | vsql -c "copy multisep from stdin direct delimiter e'\033' abort on error"
    daniel@synapse:~/Documents$ vsql -c "select * from multisep"
     id |  name   |    date    |            field           
      1 | STEVEN  | 2011-02-01 | 8602162311235|8602162311236
      1 | Vincent | 2011-01-01 | 8602162311234,8602162311233
    (2 rows)

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