
Informatica connection problem

Hello I am trying to use VerticaConnection in Informatica 9.01. After I installed informatica plug-in I can add connection in workflow manager --> connections --> relational ---> vertica connection. But I can't use it later in session connection configuration (it is not listed). Can you help me?


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    I am facing the same problem when trying to connect vertica with Informatica 9.5.0.

    I also have the following issues related to driver configuration after installing the vertica.xml plugin in server.

    1. In Informatica client 9.5.0 there is no such path as "C:\Informatica\PowerCenter\client\bin" as mentioned in the documentation, so where should I copy verticacli.dll?

    2.Importing a source table using DSN for vertica driver, there is a error "entry for Vertica Database is missing in file "powrmart.ini". If I enter the following if gives m error.
    Vertica Database =VERTICACLI.DLL

    But it works for the following
    Vertica Database =EXTODBC.DLL

    Do I need to enter anything in this file? If yes then what should I enter.

    3. In the workflow manager I am not able to use VerticaConnection for the tasks.

    For designer I had to add "Vertica Database =EXTODBC.DLL" in file powrmart.ini to make the connection successful.

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    we are experiencing same problem as Amelia. can anyone post here the solution?
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    For using Vertica plugin as source/target connection, the source/target definition itself must be set to vertica. You can do this by double clicking your source/target and selecting VERTICA from the Database Type dropdown.
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    I also follow facing the same problem. i have tried the way suggested by Nish, but still fail. Please help. Thanks.


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