Potential for backing up a corrupted database when carrying out incremental backups
Hi everyone I'm not sure if the title makes sense, but let me try to explain. Off the back of trying to understand how the incremental backups are stored and the space they occupy, a subsequent question has arisen. A listing of my backup directory shows that there are four backup subdirectories. The one labelled "data_services_backup" is the most recent backup, and all those with "_archiveYYYYMMDD" represent the increments (abbreviated and detailed below) [root@elinkvertica01 v_data_services_node0001]# ls -lrt total 16 drwxrwx---. 3 ... Aug 5 11:18 data_services_backup_archive20130805_111547 drwxrwx---. 3 ... Aug 6 10:00 data_services_backup_archive20130806_095739 drwxrwx---. 3 ... Aug 8 09:19 data_services_backup_archive20130808_091631 drwxrwx---. 3 ... 4096 Aug 8 09:22 data_services_backup The du for the same directories is as follows: [root@elinkvertica01 v_data_services_node0001]# du -sh * 123G data_services_backup 2.0G data_services_backup_archive20130805_111547 279M data_services_backup_archive20130806_095739 281M data_services_backup_archive20130808_091631 My understanding of database backup (SQL Server, Oracle) is that it is normally the case that a full backup is taken, and then take subsequent increments going forwards until the next full backup is taken. However, if I am reading all of the above correctly, Vertica takes a full backup and retains increments going backwards. It then appears to follow that to restore to an older archive, rather than the most recent backup, that you have to restore the recent full backup, then subtract the previous increments. In contrast, for SQL Server, one would restore the full backup, then add the subsequent increments. This raises a question of what happens if the database corrupts, and you take a full backup, which presumably would incorporate the corruption. How would you then restore to the last good copy of the database? Again, if I am reading this correctly, it presumes that you can restore the corrupted database, and then reverse the corruption by applying the backwards increments. Please forgive anything I've misunderstood here, I'm still trying to get my head around Vertica, and generally, I've been away from databases for a good number of years. Thanks Ben