I'm looking for a tool to query data from Vertica, and an ETL tool to dump data into Vertica. For a query tool, what are other tools besides Toad? I'd like to here what people are using.
I've just downloaded DBeaver too. Seems OK. SQuirrel was recommended to us originally, but it keeps crashing when it runs out of its 200Mb or so of "memory" (for want of a better word). I can't see how to change this so every time I run a heavy duty query and the memory gets used up, the application crashes.
Hello Ashley, DBeaver , SQuirrel, Toad are the most recommended and favorite while using tool to query vertica. other then this any GUI client which supports ODBC and JDBC connectivity can be easily integrated to query vertica. For an ETL tool there are lots of options as all support JDBC and ODBC connectivity. Just have a look at using Syncsort with Vertica, They hold a world record in loading a good amount of data in less time using Vertica and Syncsort ( please google the numbers )
Hi there Ashley_1. It's been a while since you posted, but I figured I could add to this thread for future people in the same situation. Tools like SQuirrel and other "free" tools come with many problems like you're experiencing, where TOAD can be very expensive when your needs are very specific.
A more modern Query tool like Andi (www.andiware.com) is much cheaper than TOAD, but offers higher performance for ETL processes / Querying / analysis of data (it is JDBC). Millions of rows can be returned in just seconds without failing or crashing. There are also other features geared towards Developers and System Test users for ease of Querying and analyzing / exporting data.
Hi there Ashley_1. It's been a while since you posted, but I figured I could add to this thread for future people in the same situation. Tools like SQuirrel and other "free" tools come with many problems like you're experiencing, where TOAD can be very expensive when your needs are very specific.
A more modern Query tool like Andi (www.andiware.com) is much cheaper than TOAD, but offers higher performance for ETL processes / Querying / analysis of data (it is JDBC). Millions of rows can be returned in just seconds without failing or crashing. There are also other features geared towards Developers and System Test users for ease of Querying and analyzing / exporting data.
Hopefully this helps.
In addition, we have published connectivity and Tip and Technique documents for various database tools and here are the links for the same.
For DBeaver - https://my.vertica.com/kb/DbeaverTT/Content/Partner/DbeaverTT.htm and https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-DBeaver-Connection-Guide/
For DbVisualizer - https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-DbVisualizer-Connection-Guide/
For SQuirrel - https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-SQuirreL-Connection-Guide/
We have also published similar documents for ETL tools, few of them are listed below:
for Informatica - https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-Informatica-Connection-Guide/ and https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-Informatica-Tips-and-Techniques/
For Talend - https://my.vertica.com/kb/Vertica-Integration-with-Talend-Connection-Guide/Content/Partner/Vertica-Integration-with-Talend-Connection-Guide.htm and https://my.vertica.com/kb/HPE-Vertica-Integration-with-Talend-Tips-and-Techniques/
I have not listed all the links of the document for ETL tools but you should be able to find it in our knowledge base link - https://my.vertica.com/knowledgebase/