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How to write into Vertica from pig with pig-connector ? — Vertica Forum

How to write into Vertica from pig with pig-connector ?

Hello, I'm trying to write into Vertica from a pig script using pig-connector with following pig's latin:
STORE A  INTO '{SCHEMA.TABLE}'  USING com.vertica.pig.VerticaStorer('SRV1', 'DBNAME', '5433', 'USER', 'PASSWD');
SCHEMA.TABLE do already exists, but I get an error:
ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. java.lang.RuntimeException: Table SCHEMA.TABLE does not exist and no table definition provided
If I add table's definition, here's the error I got:
ERROR org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.Grunt - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. java.sql.SQLException: [Vertica][VJDBC](4213) ROLLBACK: Object "TABLE" already exists
So, who is right ? and who's wrong ? Could TABLE both exists and not exists ? Is Vertica "quantum computing" ready ? :)


  • The commands used creates an actual table, haven tried to insert records in an existing one thus First error No table definition. Second Error table exist can't create a new one. Example: STORE X into '{example_table(recdate DATE,total INTEGER,open_av FLOAT,high_av FLOAT,low_av FLOAT,close_av FLOAT, change_av FLOAT)}' using ....... Regards
  • mmm I just created a table and used the command described above and worked
  • Could this behaviour be explained with insufficient access grants ? Because, while I'm trying to connect Vertica & HDFS, I also try to get familiar with Vertica's security features so... this may explain that

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