How to Connect Vertica to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI v10) ?
Hello Did someone has already connected Vertica to Oracle Data Integrator (ODI v10) ? We tried but it doesn't seem to work We put the Vertica Driver vertica-jdk5-6.1.2-0.jar in the oracledi_10.\oracledi\drivers directory on the ODI server (ODI v10) and we can't see it in the selection list ot the topology part of ODI to create the connection. More over using the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver instead of the vertica with this parameter : "jdbc:vertica://" did not work too. We get "No suitable Driver" Any help will be appreciated ? Thanks ! Sylvain
Really appreciate your help ! I will try it
Could you please suggest what were those basic operations that you did. I also copied PostgresSQL Technology and renamed it as "Vertica" . I put the vertica driver jar file at driver location and userlib location. Now, I am able to create a vertica connection successfully.
Now, I have two vertica tables i.e. source and target tables, where I have created an interface in ODI to move data from source table to target table.
But, while executing the job through ODI, I am getting below error :
2015-02-02 05:37:03.455 ERROR ODI-1217 Session Char65k_Table_Interface (39001) fails with return code 7000.
I need to fix this issue ASAP. Any help would be highly appreciated.