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Resource pool and statistics — Vertica Forum

Resource pool and statistics

Hi Dear, I am wondering to know how Vertica deal with the following items: - Resource pool, how to set a priority based on user? - How many query we can run in same time? Lets assume a Ksafe-1 - How many query simultaneous we need for slow down the cluster? Thank you Wils


  • Hi Wils, Your questions are too general but to give you some answer and maybe you can expand from there : 1- A user get assigned to a resource pool, a user can be in one pool and a resource pool can have many users. Priority is a property of the resource pool so you can change it based on the user, you need to decide one based on all the users that you assign to the pool. 2- K-safe = 1 does not affect the concurrency of the query. You can have many sessions open and set this up on the configuration parameter MaxClientSessions. This number that you set up there is per node. The default value is 50 that means that if you have a 3 node cluster you can have up to 150 sessions. The number of concurrent queries is setup in the resource pool in the field maxconcurrency. By default Vertica will take the #of cores. 3- It will depends on the queries types. You can try with your queries and see what is happening and adjust the resource pool accordingly. Hope this helps, Eugenia
  • Obrigado Eugenia, I will elaborate more, tkx.
  • você é bem-vindo. Are you from Brazil? I am from Argentina :)
  • Que legal! I'm Brazilian but living in Canada.

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