Timedout ERROR
Hi, I am getting the following errors in Vertica. 1. Unavailable: [Txn 0xa00000003d521a] initiator locks for query - timeout error Timed out X locking Table:CORE.ETL_ABC_JOB_RUN_TRCKG. X held by [user ETLUSR (update CORE.ETL_ABC_JOB_RUN_TRCKG set job_fnsh_ts=sysdate, job_stat_cd_id= 3 where job_run_cycl_id= 252701;)]. Your current transaction isolation level is READ COMMITTED 2. Unavailable: [Txn 0xa00000003d50a3] lock table for query - timeout error Timed out X locking Table:CORE.ETL_ABC_JOB_RUN_TRCKG. T held by [user appdba (purge_table_projections)]. Your current transaction isolation level is SERIALIZABLE 3. CMN_1022 [select drop_partition ('RPT_NC.WF_SRVC_CALL_ACTY_F','HPSM_VALE') FnName: Execute Direct -- ERROR 2083: A Moveout operation is already in progress on projection RPT_NC.WF_SRVC_CALL_ACTY_F_DBD_414_seg_EBI_PROD_b1 [txnid 45035996278213797 session iverpv001-6145:0x76e4d] Any idea why it happens and how to avoid them? Thanks in advance !!
I increased LockTimeOut parameter to 2000 . but stil getting below error
java.sql.SQLException: [Vertica][VJDBC](2083) ERROR: A Moveout operation is already in progress
How to increase Lock Timeout parameter?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Yeswanth,
First check what is the existing settings for Locktimeout Parameter in database :
Then, depending on your requirement you can set it like this :
This command will set the LockTimeout paramter to 300 seconds (Default is 300 seconds)