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How to create procedure and function in vertica like oracle . — Vertica Forum

How to create procedure and function in vertica like oracle .


  • Hi Daniel, Thanks for your quick suggestion . How can we use business logic more interactively in vertica if their is no procedure in vertica ( like procedure in oracle) . Thanks , Dharmasis panda
  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hello Dharmasis You can use the power of shell scripts OR Python to achieve a complex business logic. You need to replicate the same logic of Stored Procedures in Shell scripts or Python scripts.. Hope this helps
  • Hi Navin, How can we use shell scripts or Python scripts (after creating the scripts) in vertica. Is their any steps to be followed in vertica. Thanks , Dharmasis panda
  • Hi! >> How can we use business logic more interactively in vertica if their is no procedure in vertica (like procedure in oracle). 1. Vertica supports and provides ODBC/JDBC/ADO.NET interfaces. 2. Vertica provides SDK for UDF on C/C++ and R-language PS I think that decision to say no to Stored Procedure was intentional. Stored Procedures has a big overhead, hard to analyze for parallelism and so on (and trust me you dont want to lose a parallelism with BigData). I think Mickel Stonebraker was talking about it in "NoSQL vs NewSQL" video. That why in new DBMS he is using in term "compiled" stored procedures. FYI: 1. Rule 2: http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2011/6/108651-10-rules-for-scalable-performance-in-simple-operation-datastores/fulltext 2. NewSQL vs NoSQL for New OLTP: http://www.slideshare.net/Dataversity/newsql-vs-nosql-for-new-oltp-michael-stonebraker-voltdb 3.
    ... we advocate running application logic – in the form of stored procedures – "in process" inside the database system, rather than the inter-process overheads implied by the traditional database client / server model.
  • Hi Daniel, As you suggest the point . >>>1. Vertica supports and provides ODBC/JDBC/ADO.NET interfaces. 2. Vertica provides SDK for UDF on C/C++ and R-language Here , ODBC and JDBC are the driver to connect between interface and database. as i have oracle experience, still in confusion in how to build my business logic . Please suggest in simplest manner with example. Thanks, Dharmasis panda
  • Hi! >> Please suggest in simplest manner with example. I can't. Did you specified any of your requirements or problems that you need to solve? Main problem here, is that you are looking for tool that will help you to solve a problem and not a solution itself. Can you define a problem? (SP - isn't a problem, it's a tool/technology that help to solve problems, nothing else) Your problem is interaction? So ODBC/JDBC/ADO.NET and others will help you with interaction(How? How a lot of developers do their apps and users interacts with these apps? I will not teach you programming). Your problem is complex analytics? So UDF C++ or UDF R should help you with complex calculations. This talk is too much abstract: Did you briefly explained your service/requirements? May be Vertica doesn't fits your requirements. Where do you stacked? Where is your main problem(just SP is too much abstract explanation, and one more time - it isn't a main problem)? Now SP, after it TRIGGERS, after it what? Logic can be different. Look at root.
  • [UPDATE] You know, may be in general I may explain. What is Stored Procedures? It's some subroutine/procedure/function, right? What can SP do? - get 0 or more arguments - define 0 or more arguments - apply it goal: administrative tasks, complex calculation and so on Now, SP must be invoked by special statement, right? Ok, how we can do it with JDBC/ODBC and others? JDBC/ODBC app can(I will call it as - "app", ok?): - get 0 or more arguments - define 0 or more arguments - apply it goal: administrative task/s, complex calculation and so on (there are no tasks that you can't do via ODBC/JDBC) But now you can apply a complex logic in your app! About calling: you can register your app as External Procedure and invocation of External Procedure desn't require a special syntax: select external_procedure(arguments) If a goal of SP is - a complex calculation(recursion for example), so Vertica provides UDF SDK for C++ and R. I don't see any problem that can't be solved without SP (triggers - it's another story). Hope it clarifies a little.
  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    Hi Dharmasis, Can you have a look at the below link - Programmer's guide? https://my.vertica.com/docs/6.1.x/HTML/index.htm#1639.htm It will give you better picture of your questions like how to use JDBC/ODBC/ADO.Net, External Procedures ( not similar to other database base), User Defined function (UDF), R etc.
  • This is an Old Thread, but I am new to Vertica. And trust me I am loving it. Appreciate your points on SPs. 


    A quick question -> May be not stored ... but How can I write anonymous blocks in Vertica like we do with PL/SQL in Oracle.

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