How do I unset the SyslogFacility Parameter?

The 6.1 admin guide says that the SyslogFacility system parameter will override the standards that Vertica uses. The docs seem to say the setting will force all log entries to be posted under whatever SyslogFacility is set to. I've set that option, but now want to "un-set" it so Vertica goes back to its out of the box behavior. My problem is that I don't see how to do that. Can anyone help?


  • Check first what is set and then change it to default by checking what is the default value from the second query see below: dbadmin=> SELECT GET_CONFIG_PARAMETER('SyslogFacility'); GET_CONFIG_PARAMETER ---------------------- user (1 row) dbadmin=> select * from configuration_parameters where parameter_name = 'SyslogFacility'; node_name | parameter_name | current_value | default_value | change_under_support_guidance | change_requires_restart | description -----------+----------------+---------------+---------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL | SyslogFacility | user | user | f | f | auth, uucp, authpriv (Linux only) local0, cron, local1, daemon, local2, ftp (Linux only) local3, lpr, local4, mail, local5, news, local6, user (default system) local7 (1 row)

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