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User Defined Analytic with Functions Range Framing Windows? — Vertica Forum

User Defined Analytic with Functions Range Framing Windows?

Can UDAnFs have Framing Window using RANGE? and if so does that mean the analytic partition writer has a different number of rows than the analytic partition reader?


  • I have been all over the documentation. and it is not clear about weather or not you can supply a Range window frame to a User defined analytic function... it does say however that you can not supply a ROW window frame
  • >> does that mean the analytic partition writer has a different number of rows than the analytic partition reader? May be Im one more time not in place:
    Note: You must be sure that your function produces a row of output for each row of input in the partition. You must also not output more rows than are in the partition, otherwise the zygote size process (if running in fenced mode) or Vertica itself could generate an out of bounds error.

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