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How to get exact size of a table?? — Vertica Forum

How to get exact size of a table??

I have a database with k-safe=1. Hence there are two projections (suffixed with b0 and b1) in place of one super projection. So the data for each table is doubled(may be). In this scenario, how can I get the exact size of a table?? AUDIT function does not provide the exact size,so does COLUMN_STORAGE table. Can anyone help me in finding the exact size of a table as well as schema??


  • Navin_CNavin_C Vertica Customer
    Hi Merlin, audit() gives Raw table size where as Column_storage gives compressed table size. For more information on this Please refer my post on this link http://www.vertica-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=63&t=1361 For schema level size use this query
       SELECT SUM(column_used_bytes) AS table_size_in_bytes  ,TRIM ( TRAILING '0' FROM (CAST(round(SUM(column_used_bytes) / 1024 ,2) AS VARCHAR)))AS table_size_in_KB  ,TRIM ( TRAILING '0' FROM (CAST(round(SUM(column_used_bytes) / 1024 /1024,2) AS VARCHAR))) AS table_size_in_MB   FROM  (SELECT anchor_table_schema, SUM(used_bytes) AS column_used_bytes  FROM column_storage WHERE anchor_table_schema='DV0'  AND node_name IN (SELECT node_name FROM nodes)  GROUP BY anchor_table_schema HAVING anchor_table_schema ='DV0') sub  
    Hope this helps you.
  • Thanks Navin!! This query considers the buddy projections also to get the schema size. If i want to have the size of a table which has multiple buddy projections as super projection, how to get the actual size excluding the duplicates?? I need to have the exact size as I am doing Migration from Oracle to Vertica. For validation purpose and to convince the client of size reduction using the metric, I have to exclude the duplicates due to buddy projection!! Any idea about this?? Anyway thanks a lot for your reply :)
  • Hi! @Navin: your solution isn't good - your solution uses in COLUMN_STORAGE while topic starter claim: "AUDIT function does not provide the exact size,so does COLUMN_STORAGE table" @merlin Dude, with claims like above, I have to say - you know more than we are. So why you need help from us?
  • Prasanta_PalPrasanta_Pal - Select Field - Employee
    use  "projection_storage" table to get the size of a table, you can write a query to get the sum of, used_bytes, ros_used_bytes etc.

  • @Prasanta,
    I tried the following query. The result seems ok!! Is this enough to get the total_size??
           ((SUM(USED_BYTES)+SUM(ROS_USED_BYTES))/1024/1024/1024) AS TOTAL_SIZE

    Thank a lot for your help!!

  • Im not expert but, i did not understand why we are adding  used bytes and ros used bytes. I took only used bytes.

          ((SUM(USED_BYTES))/1024/1024/1024)  AS TOTAL_SIZE
      AND PROJECTION_NAME like '%b0'

  • Hi Raj,
    Your observation is correct. Used Bytes is the sum of ROS and WOS used bytes, so Merlin's query is double counting the ROS storage.

    If your projection naming convention doesn't end with b0 or you also want to report on store of tables with replicated projection, then the projection name filter in the where clause can also be changed to a subquery on the PROJECTIONS system table.

  • Last query is close, but it needs a few little tweaks:

    SELECT anchor_table_schema,
    SUM(used_bytes) / 1024/1024/1024 AS TABLE_SIZE_GB
    FROM v_monitor.projection_storage
    GROUP BY anchor_table_schema,
    order by sum(used_bytes) desc;

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