[Vertica][VJDBC](3587) ERROR: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool general

I'm a new user on HP Vertica and I'm trying to load some data on it.

My server is: 6 cores and 16GB memory (around 11GB free).

When I run my load process I get the following error :

[Vertica][VJDBC](3587) ERROR: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool general [Timedout waiting for resource request: Request exceeds limits: Memory(KB) Exceeded: Requested = 2142854, Free = 2 (Limit = 12865318, Used = 12865316)]

I thought that the problem was that VERTICA it was trying to use more memory then available, so I reduced MAXMEMORYSIZE of general pool to 10G and also to 5G. But the problem kept:

[Vertica][VJDBC](3587) ERROR: Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool general [Timedout waiting for resource request: Request exceeds limits: Memory(KB) Exceeded: Requested = 1154611, Free = 0 (Limit = 4626636, Used = 4626636)]

Changing the general pool parameters, my load process worked only when I raised planned_concurrency from 6 (AUTO) to 10.

Why do I get a memory error if i have more concurrency threads than planned_concurrency even if memory_inuse_kb is less than max_memory_size_kb?

Kleyson Rios.


  • Please, can anyone help me ?
  • Hi
    planned_concurrency and use for determinate the target memory allocated to each query in the pool 

    Memory allocated for query = memorysize/planned_concurrency , check this both parameters values on your pool  

  • Hi,

    But I realized that when I have more queries (RUNNING_QUERY_COUNT) than PLANNEDCONCURRENCY my process stops to work.

    If I increase PLANNEDCONCURRENCY  for some number bigger than the maximum RUNNING_QUERY_COUNT needed the process works fine.

    Why that happens ?

    Kleyson Rios.

  • Hi 

    As i mention above  the  amount of  allocated memory will be based on the formula above , each query get   its allocation at the execution  plan time (base of the formula) – before real execution   , Vertica allocate the memory at the beginning (base of the formula)    and adjust it (only up) and the runtime , so your query’s probably not  need so much memory (this is the fact) , The only way to overcome it is to have high value for PLANNEDCONCURRENCY   or have more RAM on your  server .

  • Insufficient resources to execute plan on pool general [Request Too Large:Memory(KB) Exceeded: Requested = 6955230, Free = 5955828 (Limit = 6164724, Used = 208896)]

    People posting the same issue with vertica , i see the same issue with vertica execution for queries everywhere. I faced the same issue with  mentioned error message  in bold above.

    select * from resource_pools where name = 'general';

    45035996273718900    general    true        Special: 95%    AUTO    0    MEDIUM    2    300    AUTO    [NULL]    [NULL]    false

    screenshot attached

    Can anyone let me know what to do ?

  • You should post the query
  • Leave it. resolved it by upgrading Ram.

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