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I am using Vertica DB with third party API but I am getting error on VARCHAR column. — Vertica Forum

I am using Vertica DB with third party API but I am getting error on VARCHAR column.

I am using Vertica DB with third party API but I am getting error on VARCHAR column.

When I am using same API with MySQL DB, It's working fine with VARCHAR but It's not working with Vertica VARCHAR data.

I have checked with third party API, They told me there is problem in VSQL Driver because It's returning a different data type for VARCHAR column.

Is it true? If yes than how I will resolve this problem.

I need data in MySQL VARCHAR format.

Please help me ASAP


  • Hi!

    Are you connecting via ODBC or JDBC?

    If ODBC check "ColumnsAsChar" ODBC parameter

    How character column types are reported when the driver is in Unicode mode. When set to false, the ODBC driver reports the data type of character columns as WCHAR. If you set ColumnsAsChar to true, the driver identifies character column as CHAR.

    This setting is normally used for compatibility with some third-party clients such as Informatica.

    Since Vertica supports for UTF-8 only, so Vertica's strings are SQL_WCHAR and SQL_WVARCHAR and not SQL_CHAR and SQL_VARCHAR.
  • Hi Daniel Leybovich

    We are using Vertica JDBC driver (com.vertica.jdbc.Driver).

    Thanks & Best Regards
    Anand Singh

  • Ok.

    Define logging and post a logger output (see Logging Properties): https://my.vertica.com/docs/6.1.x/HTML/index.htm#13173.htm

    Use for www.pastebin.com or whatever for it, this forum has horrible formatting.

    LogLevel = "DEBUG"
    LogNameSpace = "com.vertica"
    LogPath = ??? (define path, for example /tmp/vertica_jdbc.log )

    Can you say also what 3-rd party API do you use?
    I want to try to reproduce.
  • Hi Daniel Leybovich,

    We are using Content Analyst (CAAT)

    We are providing data base connection and SELECT query info to CAAT.

    If we are using MySQL It's taking data from MySQL but when we are using VSQL it's throwing exception.

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