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SQL bind peeking — Vertica Forum

SQL bind peeking

Hi ,

Any method to peek bind variables values from a given query ?   

For example :

I see in the query_requets table a query like -> select * from mytable where id=? 

I like to know what is the value of the id . 

Oracle provide some API to show this value , any method in vertica ?



  • Hi!
    Use in regexp (for described task regexp are good enough)
    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT regexp_substr(request, 'from\s+[^\s]+', 1, 1, 'in') AS "table",
    regexp_substr(request, 'where\s+id\s+=\s+[^\s]+', 1, 1, 'in') AS "filter"
    FROM query_requests) AS queries
    WHERE queries.filter IS NOT NULL;

    daniel=> \g
    table | filter
    from foo | where id = 683679;
    from egg | where id = 683679;
    from bar | where id = 9268854;
    from bar | where id = hash('a');
    from foo | where id = hash('a');
    from foo | where id = 000;
    from foo | where id = 666;
    from foo | where id = 109;
    from foo | where id = 16;
    (9 rows)

    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT regexp_substr(request, 'from\s+([^\s]+)', 1, 1, 'in', 1) AS "table",
    regexp_substr(request, 'where\s+id\s+=\s+([^\s]+)', 1, 1, 'in', 1) AS "filter"
    FROM query_requests) AS queries
    WHERE queries.filter IS NOT NULL;

    daniel=> \g
    table | filter
    foo | 683679;
    egg | 683679;
    bar | 9268854;
    bar | hash('a');
    foo | hash('a');
    foo | 000;
    foo | 666;
    foo | 109;
    foo | 16;
    (9 rows)
  • Binds var will be presnt on query request as set of ? ? Chars , no regexp will help her , we need some dictinary table that hold the mapiing berween the ? Chars To the real values

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