regarding the v_monitor.network_interfaces i was able to query it but that's not what i'm looking for, I want to query the lists of the created network interface
before me, there was an existing network interface and accidentally while i'm creating a new network interface it prompted me network interface already exists
something like this: CREATE NETWORK INTERFACE ethXX on v_Dbidev_node0006 with '';
My suggestion here is that vs_network_interfaces should be documented for users to see. If i can create / drop a custom network interface, i should also be able to see it. ( CRUD ) Also since network_interfaces table already contains all network interfaces ( eth..) i should not need to create a custom network interface. But that does not seem to be the case:
dbadmin=> alter node v_db_node0006 export on eth1;ROLLBACK 4045: Network interface "eth1" does not exist
This requires create network interface eth2 on v_db_node0002 with '10....'
Kindly use below queries in order to check the same:
vsql => select * from network_interfaces;
vsql=> select * from vs_subnets;
I hope this provides an answer to your question.
thanks a lot, i was able to query the subnet
regarding the v_monitor.network_interfaces i was able to query it but that's not what i'm looking for, I want to query the lists of the created network interface
before me, there was an existing network interface and accidentally while i'm creating a new network interface it prompted me network interface already exists
something like this:
CREATE NETWORK INTERFACE ethXX on v_Dbidev_node0006 with '';
ROLLBACK 4043: Network Interface "copy_node1" already exists
The created interfaces can be seen by the below query:
dbadmin=> select * from vs_network_interfaces;
vs_network_interfaces should be documented for users to see. If i can create / drop a custom network interface, i should also be able to see it. ( CRUD )
Also since network_interfaces table already contains all network interfaces ( eth..) i should not need to create a custom network interface. But that does not seem to be the case:
dbadmin=> alter node v_db_node0006 export on eth1;ROLLBACK 4045: Network interface "eth1" does not exist
This requires create network interface eth2 on v_db_node0002 with '10....'