Load Balancing in DBeaver/MS ODBC

I am trying to set up Load Balancer.  I made the server change, but am unable to get this to work in either DBeaver or using a MS ODBC

In DBeaver I added a user setting ConnectionLoadBalance with a value of 1 and am not seeing where to add that in  ODBC.

Has anyone gotten this to work?


  • Hi John,

    I take it you are trying to set up the Native Load Balancer provided with the Vertica 7.0 client drivers. Can you confirm that you can connect to the DB without using the load balancer?

    It sounds like you have the correct parameter set in your JDBC settings in DBeaver.

    For an ODBC connection, you will want to add the same line to your DSN entry or connection string. You can find more info on this feature here in the documentation:


    - Mitch
  • Hi Mitch ,

    I am bit unclear on this.
    I have implemented the setting in my ADO.NET Driver, but I want the Load Balancing to be active using my Squirrel SQL IDE.

    I tried to find some driver settings to set this property, but it seems it just ask for driver,url,class,username and password 

    Any method to implement this for SQL IDE's
  • Hi Navin,

    Good to hear you are using the Native Load Balancer! In SQuirreL, which uses JDBC, you will need to enable the "connectionloadbalance" driver property in Driver Properties tab of the Alias properties window. You will see a list of supported properties, simply check the "specify" box and enter true in the value field.

    Once this is done, you should be able to make multiple connections to the DB and use the following query to see which node you are being connected to:


    - Mitch

  • Thanks Mitch,

    That worked. :)

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