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why R-udf work on single node, but not work on cluster — Vertica Forum

why R-udf work on single node, but not work on cluster

vsql:RFunctions_test.sql:31: ERROR 3399:  Failure in UDx RPC call InvokeProcessPartition(): Error calling processPartition() in User Defined Object [cons] at [/scratch_a/release/vbuild/vertica/UDxFence/RInterface.cpp:1236], error code: 0, message: Exception in processPartitionForR: [cannot open the connection]

This RFunction has been tested on the single node ,it worked fine.


  • Employee
    Hi Haifeng,

    UDx in R work on multi culster setups. Please make sure that the vertica-R language pack is installed on all nodes. If the problem persists then please file a support case.

  • Below is the sample code, this worked on the single node, but not on the cluster, and i did install vertica-R.language pack on all nodes and the example with vertica work , but my code not , i don't know why?   what does that mean "cannot open the connection", but actually i can access vertica through vsql.

    The library and transform function can be created successfully , but when i invoke the UDF with below sql query , it pop up the above error message "can not open the connection", and i can see the udx process has died through "ps -ef".

    dbadmin  31367 31361  0 Mar04 ?        00:00:00 [vertica-udx-R] <defunct>
    dbadmin  31384 31361  0 Mar04 ?        00:00:00 [vertica-udx-R] <defunct>
    dbadmin  31385 31361  0 Mar04 ?        00:00:00 [vertica-udx-R] <defunct>
    dbadmin  31386 31361  0 Mar04 ?        00:00:00 [vertica-udx-R] <defunct>
    dbadmin  31387 31361  0 Mar04 ?        00:00:00 [vertica-udx-R] <defunct>

    cons <- function(x)
        df <- data.frame(x)
        j <- NULL
        for(j in which(is.na(df[1,]))){
             df[1,j] <- df[min(which(!is.na(df[,j]))),j]
        outdf <- df[1,]
    consFactory <- function()
        list(name=cons ,udxtype=c("transform"),intype=c("any"), outtype=c("any"),outtypecallback=outtype,strictness=c("CALLED_ON_NULL_INPUT") )

    #outtypecallback function
    outtype <- function(x)
         params <- NULL
         params <- data.frame(datatype=rep(NA, 1), length=rep(NA,1), scale=rep(NA,1), name=rep(NA,1) )
         for(i in 1:nrow(x))
             params[i,1] <- "varchar"



    -- Step 1: Create LIBRARY
    \set libfile '\'''pwd''/RFunctions/RFunctions_test.R\''
    CREATE LIBRARY rlib AS :libfile LANGUAGE 'R';

    -- Step 2: Create Function Factories
    AS LANGUAGE 'R' NAME 'consFactory' LIBRARY rlib;

    /*** Example 1: Multiplication ***/
    CREATE TABLE T(qualifier varchar(20) not null,priority int,value1 varchar(20),value2 varchar(20));

    -- Invoke the UDF
    SELECT  cons(qualifier,priority,value1,value2) OVER(partition by qualifier order by qualifier,priority) FROM T;
  • Hi  Pratibha , thanks for you reply, i have got the reason , i wrote a debug function in the R file , and when i copy the file to cluster , i do not create the same path with the file , so debug message can't find the path  when the UDF being executed , so vertica just throw the above error message , :) , thanks anyway.
  • Can you advice what make the <defunct> process to disappear ?
  • Employee
    Hi Eli,

    This is a known issue and we are working on a fix. In the meantime there are two workarounds. The defunct processes will disappear when you exit the session or when the vertica-udx-R process is killed.


  • Thanks , its sounds good .

    We are using connection pooling we can't just close the connection , the kill options is not clean enough , i found that addition dummy call to R function without partition by clause  fix it .
    Thanks anyway 

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