Informatica vertica target connector

Hi ,

I cannot see the option USE SINGLE TARGET in the target writer properties .

The session is getting failed due to the error

Severity    Timestamp    Node    Thread    Message Code    Message
ERROR    3/7/2014 5:47:20 PM    node01_nmetldev1    WRITER_1_*_1    VERTICA_1037    [ERROR] SQL error: [Vertica][VJDBC](100176) Failed to connect to host on port 5433. Reason: Connection timed out

The IP address shown is not at all the IP address given in the connection string .

Please look into it



  • It is not necessary to give IP address of all the nodes, JDBC driver needs IP of one node.
    You may test if the JDBC connection is successful by other tool.
  • I'm getting same error when I try to load record which has date column in it from Informatica version 9.6.


    Is there any limitation in loading the date columns?

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