Need select/insert/update/delete per sec metrics from vertica

We are looking to graph various vertica metrics and I've been scouring the vertica v_monitor.* and data collector tables all day looking for a good way to get the number of select and insert/update/delete commands run by the cluster per second. I have come up with nothing viable short of expensive queries using query_requests. If somebody could help out with this, I would really appreciate that. Thanks!


  • Hi, 

    Yes query_requests or query_profiles you can find the information but it is true that can have slow performance. What many customer do to accomplish the same, they have a cron job and move this results to other table that they use for dashboard. 
    Hope this helps, 


  • Thank you for your reply. Yes, that's pretty much our solution now .. we just run the query every five minutes. Too bad vertica doesn't automatically capture that metric.


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