Timer thread backtrace
I'm installing the Vertica Community Edition in an LXC container and I'll handily confess to suppressing a few errors in the install process to get to this point (notably /opt/vertica/share/binlib/read/get-disks has problems, and there's no 2GB swap partition).
In spite of that, however, I seem to be able to run admintools -t createdb without too much difficulty, and it even stays up for a few minutes before failing. I dug into the error logs and this seems to be the root of my problems:
I'm installing the Vertica Community Edition in an LXC container and I'll handily confess to suppressing a few errors in the install process to get to this point (notably /opt/vertica/share/binlib/read/get-disks has problems, and there's no 2GB swap partition).
In spite of that, however, I seem to be able to run admintools -t createdb without too much difficulty, and it even stays up for a few minutes before failing. I dug into the error logs and this seems to be the root of my problems:
Backtrace Generated by Error Signal: [0x0000000000000008] PID: [0x00000000000031bf] PC: [0x0000000002a23b98] FP: [0x00007f485a67fc20]SI_ADDR : [0x0000000002a23b98] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN6Basics9Backtrace11DoBacktraceEiiPvS1_+0x8cc)[0x33a011e] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN6Basics20GlobalSignalHandlers14logFatalSignalEiPvS1_+0xc7)[0x341f305] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica[0x341f8f3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x364a0)[0x7f48f5ba34a0] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN3Mon29CheckForLowDiskSpaceTimerTask15runTaskInternalEb+0x478)[0x2a23b98] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN4Util16TimerServiceTask7runTaskEb+0x4b)[0x3581d33] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN4Util20TimerServiceTaskList18TaskSchedulingInfo10threadShimEPv+0x215)[0x3587aeb] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZNK5boost9function0IvEclEv+0x1bb)[0x135f28b] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(_ZN7Session13ThreadManager12launchThreadERKN5boost9function0IvEE+0x57)[0x327229f] /opt/vertica/bin/vertica(thread_proxy+0x80)[0x3a179c0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0(+0x7e9a)[0x7f48f5753e9a] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d)[0x7f48f5c613fd] END BACKTRACE THREAD CONTEXT Thread type: Timer Thread Request: Unknown request Transaction: [0x00a000000000008c] END THREAD CONTEXTI'm afraid I'm not clear on what exactly is going on here; can someone explain to me what's happening (and what I can do to resolve it?)
Hm... I'm honestly not sure what's going on here.
The stack trace in question is in code that periodically checks the free disk space in all storage locations, to make sure they have not overflowed. The fact that "get-disks" had trouble is a warning sign to me. That said, I'm not immediately sure how this would result in a crash.
Vertica is not often run (and not officially tested) inside LXC containers -- we're typically sliced by "fraction of a data center", not "fraction of a machine". Different mentality. That said, I know that we have been run successfully in containers elsewhere; there are cases where it's quite useful. I would encourage you to tweak your container configuration; maybe see if you can get more of the installation checks to pass.